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Results   1 - 25 of 150 records found

Date Related Document Title
Apr 30, 1789 George Washington George Washington Event Timeline
of the Wabash River (today Fort Recovery, Ohio). Over 900 …
May 01, 1828 John Quincy Adams Special Message
of the Indian agency from FortWayne, in the State of Indiana …
Feb 11, 1836 Andrew Jackson Special Message
a line from Munceytown to FortWayne, which resolution was referred …
Sep 14, 1901 William McKinley Official Order of Observances of the Death of President McKinley
which may be in port, and at Fort Myer, and by a battery of …
Oct 05, 1932 Herbert Hoover Rear Platform Remarks in Fort Wayne, Indiana
Rear Platform Remarks in FortWayne, Indiana …
Aug 17, 1940 Wendell Willkie Address Accepting the Presidential Nomination in Elwood, Indiana
worked his way through the FortWayne Methodist College, taught …
Oct 28, 1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt Remarks at Fort Wayne, Indiana
My friends of FortWayne: I have to say on this occasion … misrepresentations. You good people in FortWayne have had first-hand knowledge … Morrison. He used to live in Fort
Oct 28, 1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt Address at Soldiers' Field, Chicago, Illinois
correctly. For as I remarked at FortWayne this afternoon, it is my …
Dec 23, 1947 Harry S Truman Proclamation 2762—Granting Pardon to Certain Persons Convicted of Violating the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 as Amended
Eastern Kentucky.27. Amburgy, Wayne Spencer, September 20, 1943 …
Jun 04, 1948 Harry S Truman Rear Platform Remarks in Ohio and Indiana.
Chairman, ladies and gentlemen of FortWayne: It is a very great pleasure … have a chance to stop at FortWayne. I have always, all my life …
Jun 05, 1948 Harry S Truman Informal Remarks in Nebraska
peace, as I said yesterday at FortWayne, Ind., are based on three …
May 10, 1950 Harry S Truman Rear Platform and Other Informal Remarks in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
Oct 15, 1953 Dwight D. Eisenhower Remarks at the Cornerstone-Laying Ceremony for the Anthony Wayne Library of American Study, Defiance College, Defiance, Ohio
another, the earthworks of Fort Defiance remind us that 160 … Ceremony for the Anthony Wayne Library of American Study …
Sep 06, 1960 John F. Kennedy Statement by Senator John F. Kennedy on National Farmers For Kennedy-Johnson, Washington, DC
Agriculture; Ersel Walley, FortWayne, Ind., is past president …
Sep 21, 1960 Richard Nixon Remarks of Vice President Nixon, Allen County Court House, Fort Wayne, IN
to gather at this area in FortWayne and we thank you for making … example, today, after we leave FortWayne, and we just came from Michigan … Allen County Court House, FortWayne, IN …
Sep 21, 1960 Richard Nixon Partial Transcript of Remarks by the Vice President, Jefferson County Courthouse Plaza, Louisville, KY
a meeting in Indiana, in FortWayne. After we leave here, we …
Sep 21, 1960 Richard Nixon Speech of Vice President Richard M. Nixon, Ozark Empire Fair Grounds, Springfield, MO
It began this morning in FortWayne, Ind., after we had flown … from Michigan. We had in FortWayne, in the center of the city …
Sep 21, 1960 Richard Nixon Press Conference of Vice President Richard M. Nixon, Kentwood Arms Hotel, Springfield, MO
President, in the speeches at FortWayne and Louisville today you …
Jul 23, 1966 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks in Vincennes, Indiana, Upon Signing Bill Establishing the George Rogers Clark National Historical Park
full view of the garrison at Fort Sackville. Wet, hungry, and … I saw one young man from FortWayne, Indiana, who had 1,800 flying …
Oct 21, 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Remarks at the Award Ceremony Honoring Outstanding Employers of the Handicapped
President of Levin and Sons of FortWayne, Indiana. Mr. Levin employs …
Oct 19, 1970 Richard Nixon Remarks on Departure From Columbus, Ohio
and in North Carolina, and FortWayne, Indiana. After the meeting …
Oct 20, 1970 Richard Nixon Statement in Support of the Republican Candidate for the United States Senate in Indiana.
statement was released at FortWayne, Ind …
Oct 20, 1970 Richard Nixon Remarks in Fort Wayne, Indiana
say tonight that here in FortWayne, the second city of Indiana … record show, in fact, the way FortWayne is going, Indianapolis better … better watch out--and here in Fort
Oct 20, 1970 Richard Nixon Remarks to Overflow Crowd in Fort Wayne Coliseum
Remarks to Overflow Crowd in FortWayne Coliseum … Coliseum's Exhibition Hall, FortWayne, Ind …
Dec 01, 1971 Richard Nixon Remarks to the National 4-H Congress in Chicago, Illinois.
N. Dak., Rachel Koontz of FortWayne, Ind., Deborah Bell of Sylvania …