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  • Search terms are case sensitive. Trump ≠ trump
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  • Phrase Search:  Use double quotation marks ("). Example: "live in infamy"
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  • Search operators such as AND OR NOT && || ! are not supported.
  • Search term input values cannot exceed 256 characters.


Results   251 - 275 of 319 records found

Date Related Document Title
Feb 07, 2020 Donald J. Trump Remarks at the North Carolina Opportunity Now Summit in Charlotte, North Carolina
changed it around. We said, "Sorry about that, but we're changing …
Feb 10, 2020 Donald J. Trump Remarks at a "Keep America Great" Rally in Manchester, New Hampshire
or where you're standing. Sorry we couldn't get you seats …
Feb 18, 2020 Donald J. Trump Pool Reports of February 18, 2020
Trump's tarmac comments. Sorry so much of it was hard to …
Feb 25, 2020 Donald J. Trump The President's News Conference in New Delhi, India
If you'll let me—— Q. Sorry , please. The President. ——let … doing the vaccine. Excuse. Q. Sorry . The President. Yes. We're …
Feb 28, 2020 Donald J. Trump Remarks at a "Keep America Great" Rally in Charleston, South Carolina
Mar 03, 2020 Donald J. Trump Pool Reports of March 3, 2020
testing/research process. Sorry .  In layman's terms, the …
Mar 17, 2020 Donald J. Trump Remarks at a White House Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing
me well enough, I imagine. Sorry . Q. I can, but it's the people …
Mar 18, 2020 Donald J. Trump Remarks at a White House Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing
Mar 19, 2020 Donald J. Trump Remarks During a Video Teleconference With Governors on Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Efforts
Mar 20, 2020 Donald J. Trump Remarks at a White House Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing
Mar 22, 2020 Donald J. Trump Remarks at a White House Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing
Mar 25, 2020 Donald J. Trump Remarks at a White House Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing
Mar 27, 2020 Donald J. Trump Remarks at a White House Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing
Mar 29, 2020 Donald J. Trump Remarks at a White House Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing
Apr 05, 2020 Donald J. Trump Remarks at a White House Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing
Apr 06, 2020 Donald J. Trump Remarks at a White House Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing
Apr 12, 2020 Donald J. Trump Tweets of April 12, 2020
63846 April 12, 2020 22:51:33 Sorry Fake News, it's all on tape …
Apr 22, 2020 Donald J. Trump Remarks at a White House Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing
Apr 24, 2020 Donald J. Trump Pool Reports of April 24, 2020
signing... Sen. Dan Sullivan: Sorry to interrupt. But first I …
Apr 24, 2020 Donald J. Trump Remarks on Signing the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act and an Exchange With Reporters
May 06, 2020 Donald J. Trump Press Briefing by Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany
business partners? MS. MCENANY: Sorry ? Q: Can they be trusted business …
May 08, 2020 Donald J. Trump Remarks in a Meeting With Republican Members of Congress and an Exchange With Reporters
May 11, 2020 Donald J. Trump The President's News Conference
May 14, 2020 Donald J. Trump Remarks at the Owens and Minor, Incorporated, Distribution Center in Allentown, Pennsylvania
short. [ Laughter ] Okay. Sorry about that. Yes, I want to …
May 15, 2020 Donald J. Trump Remarks on Coronavirus Vaccine Development and an Exchange With Reporters
Q. Let me go to the mike. Sorry . Let me repeat that now …