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Ceremony Honoring Simon Wiesenthal Remarks on Presenting a Special Gold Medal to Mr. Wiesenthal on Behalf of the Congress.
Jimmy Carter
President's Award for Energy Efficiency Remarks on Presenting the Award to the Future Farmers of America
United States Summer Olympic Team Remarks at the Medal Presentation Ceremony.
Congressional Medal of Honor Remarks on Presenting the Medal to Lt. Col. Matt Urban, U.S. Army, Retired.
Presidential Medal of Freedom Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony.
Small Business Week, 1980 Remarks on Receiving the Report of the White House Commission on Small Business and Presenting the Small Business Person Awards
National Medal of Science Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony.
President's Environmental Youth Awards Remarks on Presenting the Awards
Remarks at the National Small Business Person of the Year Presentation Ceremony for Gary L. McDaniel
National Caucus on the Black Aged Remarks at a White House Luncheon Honoring Recipients of the Organization's Living Legacy Awards