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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order 10012—Excluding From the Provisions of the Classification Act of 1923, as Amended, Positions Filled by Patients in Government Hospitals
Harry S Truman
Executive Order 10008—Amending the Selective Service Regulations
Executive Order 10009—Revoking in Part Executive Orders No. 589 of March 14, 1907, and No. 1712 of February 24, 1913
Executive Order 10010—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between the Akron & Barberton Belt Railroad Company and Other Carriers, and Certain of Their Employees
Executive Order 10007—Organization of the Reserve Units of the Armed Forces
Executive Order 10006—Preparation, Presentation, Filing, and Publicaton of Executive Orders and Proclamations
Executive Order 10004—Prescribing Procedures for the Administration of the Reciprocal Trade-Agreements Program
Executive Order 10005—Establishing the President's Advisory Commission on the Relation of Federal Laws to Puerto Rico
Executive Order 10003—Providing for the Investigation of and Report on Displaced Persons Seeking Admission Into the United States
Executive Order 10001—Prescribing or Amending Portions of the Selective Service Regulations and Directing the Selection of Persons for Induction Into the Armed Forces and Their Induction