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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order 3759—Navajo Indian Reservation, Arizona
Warren G. Harding
Executive Order 3744—Fort Apache, Arizona
Executive Order 3721—Interdepartmental Patents Board
Executive Order 3714—Civil Service Preference to War Veterans
Executive Order 3657—Removing and Replacing Certain Officers of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Executive Order 3637—Zia Pubelo, New Mexico
Executive Order 3623—Relief for Russia
Executive Order 3601—Relief for Russia
Executive Order 3594—Transfer of Certain Historical Papers From the Department of State to the Library of Congress
Executive Order 3578—Preparation and Submission of the Budget
Executive Order 3577—Manner of Dating Proclamations, Commissions, and Similar Executive Documents
Executive Order 3560—World War Veterans' Preference in Civil Service Examinations
Executive Order 3550—The Budget
Executive Order 3524—Advisory Authority of Fine Arts Commission
Executive Order 3489—Alaskan Railroad Townsite Regulations
Executive Order 3474—Transferring Naval Petroleum Reserves in California and Wyoming, and Naval Shale Reserves in Colorado and Utah, Under the Control of the Interior Secretary, Under Supervision of the President
Executive Order 3466—Death of Chief Justice White
Executive Order 3464—Uintah Indian Reservation, Utah
Executive Order 3457—Temporary Stop-Overs at Ports of the United States Without Visaed Passports
Executive Order 3455—Civil Service in Postmaster Appointments
Executive Order 3452—Chuckekanzie
Executive Order 3439—Record of War Agencies Transferred
Executive Order 3374—Confirming Powers of Federal Trade Commission Over Coal Cost Information
Woodrow Wilson
Executive Order 3367—Punishments for Soldiers
Executive Order 3365—Indians on Public Domain
Executive Order 3363—Ponca Indians in Oklahoma
Executive Order 3360—Official Flag for Secretary of State
Executive Order 3338—Competitive Examinations for Postmasterships
Executive Order 3336—Ordering Flags at Half-Mast in Memory of American Dead in World War
Executive Order 3332—Retention of Hoboken Piers
Executive Order 3320—Liquidation of United States Grain Corporation
Executive Order 3313—Wages of Seamen
Executive Order 3294—Authorizing the Departure of Hostile and Enemy Aliens Without Permits
Executive Order 3292—Reduction of Capital Stock of United States Grain Corporation
Executive Order 3235—Continuing Control of Director General of Railroads Over Coal Distribution, etc.
Executive Order 3231—Authorizing the Departure of Alien Enemies for European Ports
Executive Order 3206—Constituting Board of Surveys and Maps
Executive Order 3204—Indians on Public Domain
Executive Order 3182—Conditions of Employment for the Permanent Force for the Panama Canal
Executive Order 3176—Taking Possession and Title of German Vessels
Executive Order 3024—Indians on Public Domain
Executive Order 2868—Establishment of War Industries Board
Executive Order 2859—National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences
Executive Order 2796—Prescribing Rules and Regulations Under Section 5 of the Trading with the Enemy Act and Supplementing Rules and Regulations Heretofore Prescribed Under Title 7 of the Espionage Act
Executive Order 2789—Military Reservation for the National Guard
Executive Order 2778—Relating to Indians on Public Domain
Executive Order 2777—Rules for the Government of the Virgin Islands
Executive Order 2774A—Division Created Under the Public Information Committee
Executive Order 2770—Vesting Power and Authority in Designated Officers and Making Rules and Regulations Under the Trading with the Enemy Act and Title VII of the Act Approved June 15, 1917
Executive Order 2765—Determination of a Just, Fair, and Reasonable Profit Under Section 5 of the Food Control Act
Executive Order 2748—German Boats
Executive Order 2744—Fixing Salary of, and Vesting Certain Power and Authority in, the Alien Property Custodian Appointed Under Trading with the Enemy Act
Executive Order 2741—Waiving Civil Service Regulations for Confidential Positions under the Trading with the Enemy Act
Executive Order 2736—Providing for Requisitioning of Foods and Feeds
Executive Order 2734—Suspending Civil Service Rules in Training Camp Activities
Executive Order 2730—Free Consular Services
Executive Order 2729A—Vesting Power and Authority in Designated Officers and Making Rules and Regulations Under Trading with the Enemy Act and Title VII of the Act Approved June 15, 1917
Executive Order 2720—Giving Chief of Staff Control over the War Department in the Absence of the Secretary of War and Assistant Secretary of War
Executive Order 2709—German Boats
Executive Order 2718—Suspending the Eight-Hour Day in Construction of Immigrant Station at Baltimore, Md