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Message to Prime Minister Menderes of Turkey on the Cyprus Agreement.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Message to Prime Minister Karamanlis of Greece on the Cyprus Agreement.
Message to Prime Minister Macmillan of the United Kingdom on the Cyprus Agreement.
Exchange of Messages Between the President and President Frondizi of Argentina.
Message to President de Gaulle of France Upon His Inauguration.
Exchange of New Year Greetings Between the United States and the Soviet Union.
Letter to the President-Elect of Venezuela.
Exchange of Messages Between the President and President Kubitschek of Brazil on the Occasion of Thanksgiving Day
Letter to President Lopez Mateos ofÿ Mexico.
Message to Prime Minister Toure Extending Formal Recognition to the Republic of Guinea.
Message to His Holiness Pope John XXIII.
Exchange of Messages Between the President and President Chiang Kai-shek on the 47th Anniversary of the Founding of the Republic of China.
Message to His Holiness Pope Pius XII.
Letter to Nikita Khrushchev, Chairman, Council of Ministers, U. S. S. R., on the Formosa Situation
Exchange of Messages Between the President and the Premier of Italy on the Voyage of the Nautilus.
Exchange of Messages Between the President and the Chancellor of Germany on theÿ Voyage of the Nautilus.
Exchange of Messages Between the President and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on the 100th Anniversary of the Trans-Atlantic Cable.
Letter to President Kubitschek of Brazil on the Occasion of Secretary Dulles' Visit.
Letter to Nikita Khrushchev, Chairman, Council of Ministers, U.S.S.R.
Exchange of Letters Between the President and President Chamoun of Lebanon.
Exchange of Messages Between the President and President Kubitschek of Brazil Concerning the Proposed Meeting of Chiefs of State on the Middle East.
Exchange of Messages Between the President and the Shah of Iran, the President of Pakistan, and the President of Turkey.
Letter to Premier Khrushchev Concerning His Proposal for an Increase in Trade With the Soviet Union.
Exchange of Letters Between the President and President Frondizi of Argentina.
Exchange of Letters Between the President and President Heuss of Germany. ú
Exchange of Letters Between the President and the President-Elect of Colombia.
Exchange of Letters Between the President and President Kubitschek of Brazil.
Letter to Nikita Khrushchev, Chairman, Council of Ministers, U. S. S. R., on the Meeting of Experts To Discuss Nuclear Detection Methods.
Cablegram to President Ibanez of Chile Concerning His Decision Not To Visit Washington.
Letter to the King of the Belgians on the Occasion of the Opening of the Brussels Exhibition.
Message to President Carlos P. Garcia of the Philippines on Bataan Day.
Exchange of Letters Between the President and Prime Minister Nkrumah on the first Anniversary of the Independence of Ghana
Letter to Nikolai Bulganin, Chairman, Council of Ministers, U. S. S. R.