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Memorandum of Disapproval of a Bill To Extend Certain Nurse Training Programs
Jimmy Carter
Memorandum of Disapproval of the Meat Import Bill
Memorandum of Disapproval of a Bill Concerning Government Ban of Tris in Sleepwear
Memorandum of Disapproval of a Bill Concerning Tax Structure in United States Territories
Memorandum From the President on the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978
Memorandum on the Inspector General Act of 1978
Memorandum of Disapproval of a Bill To Change District of Columbia Retirement Program
Memorandum of Disapproval of a Bill Concerning Shipping Rebating Laws
Memorandum From the President on the Domestic High Carbon Ferrochromium Industry
Memorandum of Disapproval of a Bill Providing for Maritime Industry Relations With Federal Officials
Memorandum of Disapproval of the Navajo and Hopi Relocation Bill
Memorandum of Disapproval of a Bill To Establish the Legionville National Historic Site in Pennsylvania
Memorandum From the President on Federal Regulatory Management
Memorandum From the President on the National Climate Program
Memorandum From the President on the Domestic Bicycle Tire and Tube Industry
Memorandum From the President on the Anti-Inflation Program
Memorandum of Disapproval of Amendments to the Small Business Act and the Small Business Investment Act
Memorandum From the President on the National Productivity Council
Memorandum From the President on the Domestic Copper Industry
Memorandum of Disapproval of the United States Aquaculture Bill
Memorandum From the President on Federal Compliance With Pollution Control Standards
Memorandum From the President on Veterans Readjustment and Career-Conditional Appointment Program
Memorandum From the President on the Veterans' Federal Coordinating Committee
Memorandum From the President on the Domestic Clothespin Industry
Memorandum From the President on United States-Turkey Military Cooperation
Memorandum From the President on Embargo Regulations Under the Trading With the Enemy Act
Memorandum From the President on Federal Government Travel Costs
Memorandum From the President on Executive Branch Administration of the Privacy Act of 1974
Memorandum From the President on National Hispanic Heritage Week
Memorandum From the President on the General Services Administration
Memorandum From the President on Affirmative Action Programs
Memorandum From the President on Equality for Women
Memorandum From the President on Federal Government Spending
Memorandum From the President on the Combined Federal Campaign
Memorandum From the President on the American Stainless Steel Table Flatware Industry
National Security Information Order Designating Certain Officials To Classify Information "Top Secret"
Memorandum From the President on the White House Conference on Small Business
Memorandum From the President on "The Government in the Sunshine" Act: Implementation
Memorandum on Trade With Romania
Memorandum From the President on Trade With Hungary and Romania
Memorandum From the President on Assistance for Refugees in Sorealia and Djibouti
Memorandum From the President on Security Assistance to Zaire
Memorandum From the President on Federal Anti-Inflation Actions
Memorandum From the President on the Federal Statistical System
Memorandum From the President on Consumer Affairs
Memorandum From the President on Zero-Base Budgeting
Memorandum From the President on Defense Economic Adjustment Programs
Memorandum From the President on the United States Savings Bonds Program
Memorandum From the President on Citizens Band Radio Transceivers
Memorandum From the President on Improving Government Regulations
Memorandum From the President on the Nuclear Waste Management Task Force
Memorandum From the President on Federal Summer Employment Program for Youth
Memorandum From the President on the American Bolt, Nut, and Large Screw Industry
Memorandum From the President on Red Cross Month, 1978
Memorandum From the President on Multi-Year Budget Planning
Memorandum for Heads of Departments and Agencies on Federal Employment of Women
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies on Federal Cash Management
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies on Survey of Congressional Constituent Problems
Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies on the President's Executive Interchange Program