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Statement on the Resignation of United States Ambassador Arthur Adair Hartman
Ronald Reagan
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Larry M. Speakes as Assistant to the President and Principal Deputy Press Secretary
Remarks on the Resignation of Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren E. Burger and the Nominations of William H. Rehnquist To Be Chief Justice and Antonin Scalia To Be an Associate Justice
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Warren E. Burger as Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Fred F. Fielding as Counsel to the President
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Linda Chavez as Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Public Liaison
Letter Accepting the Resignation of John R. Block as Secretary of Agriculture
Remarks Announcing the Resignation of Robert C. McFarlane as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and the Appointment of John M. Poindexter
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Robert C. McFarlane as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Edward J. Rollins, Jr., as Assistant to the President for Political and Governmental Affairs