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Statement on the Resignation of James G. Watt as Secretary of the Interior
Ronald Reagan
Letter Accepting the Resignation of John J. Louis, Jr., as United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Lyndon K. Allin as Deputy Press Secretary to the President
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Edwin L. Harper as Assistant to the President for Policy Development
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Anne M. Burford as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Richard S. Williamson as Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs
Remarks Announcing the Resignation of Richard S. Schweiker as Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Nomination of Margaret M. Heckler for the Position
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Eugene V. Rostow as Director of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Richard F. Staar as United States Representative to the Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions Negotiations
Letter Accepting the Resignation of Richard S. Schweiker as Secretary of Health and Human Services