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Message to President Garcia of the Philippines on Bataan Day.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Special Message to the Congress on the Mutual Security Program.
Message to Prime Minister Menderes of Turkey on the Cyprus Agreement.
Message to Prime Minister Karamanlis of Greece on the Cyprus Agreement.
Message to Prime Minister Macmillan of the United Kingdom on the Cyprus Agreement.
Special Message to the Congress on Increasing the Resources of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Monetary Fund.
Special Message to the Congress on Civil Rights.
Exchange of Messages Between the President and President Frondizi of Argentina.
Message to the Congress Transmitting the First Annual Report Under the National Aeronautics and Space Act.
Special Message to the Congress on Agriculture
Special Message to the Congress on Labor-Management Relations.
Message to the Baghdad Pact Ministerial Council in Karachi.
Annual Message Presenting the Economic Report to the Congress
Annual Budget Message to the Congress: Fiscal Year 1960.
Message to President de Gaulle of France Upon His Inauguration.
Exchange of New Year Greetings Between the United States and the Soviet Union.
Text of the President's Message Relayed from the Atlas Satellite.
Exchange of Messages Between the President and President Kubitschek of Brazil on the Occasion of Thanksgiving Day
Message Read at the Dinner of the National Urban League in New York City,
Message to Prime Minister Toure Extending Formal Recognition to the Republic of Guinea.
Message to His Holiness Pope John XXIII.
Message to the United States Forces Withdrawing from Lebanon.
Exchange of Messages Between the President and President Chiang Kai-shek on the 47th Anniversary of the Founding of the Republic of China.
Message to His Holiness Pope Pius XII.
Message to the Boards of Governors of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
Message to the Newspaperboys of America.
Message Congratulating General de Gaulle on the Results of the Referendum on the French Constitution.
Veto of Bill Increasing the Tariff on Treated Seed Wheat.
Veto of Bill for the Relief of Lucian Roach
Veto of Bill for the Relief of the Thomson Contracting Company, Inc.
Exchange of Messages Between the President and the Premier of Italy on the Voyage of the Nautilus.
Exchange of Messages Between the President and the Chancellor of Germany on theÿ Voyage of the Nautilus.
Exchange of Messages Between the President and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on the 100th Anniversary of the Trans-Atlantic Cable.
Veto of Bill Authorizing Construction of a Nuclear-Powered Icebreaking Vessel.
Veto of Bill for the Relief of D. S. and Elizabeth Laney.
Veto of Bill Extending the Asbestos and Acid-Grade Fluorspar Purchase Program.
Veto of Bill Relating to Wage Rates for Employees of the Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Naval Shipyard.
Veto of Independent Offices Appropriation Bill.
Veto of Bill for the Relief of Continental Hosiery Mills, Inc.
Exchange of Messages Between the President and President Kubitschek of Brazil Concerning the Proposed Meeting of Chiefs of State on the Middle East.
Message to the United States Forces in Lebanon and the Mediterranean Area.
Exchange of Messages Between the President and the Shah of Iran, the President of Pakistan, and the President of Turkey.
Special Message to the Congress on the Sending of United States Forces to Lebanon.
Special Message to the Congress Proposing the Establishment of a Joint Commission on the Civilian Employee Compensation Policy of the Federal Government.
Special Message to the Congress on the Need for Additional Passport Control Legislation.
Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Agreement With the United Kingdom for Cooperation on Uses of Atomic Energy for Mutual Defense.
Message to the Congress Transmitting the 12th Annual Report on United States Participation in the United Nations.
Special Message to the Congress Transmitting International Agreement Between the United States and Euratom.
Special Message to the Congress Recommending the Establishment of a federal Aviation Agency.
Veto of Bill for the Relief of Hong-to Dew.
Message to the Lafayette Fellowship Foundation on the Occasion of the Presentation of Its Gold Medal Award to General Gruenther.
Message of Welcome to the Tenth Anniversary Commemorative Session of the World Health Organization
Message to the Vice President After the Demonstration in Peru
Special Message to the Congress Transmitting Reorganization Plan of 1958.
Veto of Bill Authorizing Appropriations for Rivers, Harbors, and Flood Control Projects.
Message to President Carlos P. Garcia of the Philippines on Bataan Day.
Special Message to the Congress on Reorganization of the Defense Establishment.
Special Message to the Congress Relative to Space Science and Exploration.
Special Message to the Congress Upon Signing Act To Stimulate Residential Construction.