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Haley Campaign Press Release - Fact Check: Haley's Pro-Life Position Will Save as Many Babies and Help as Many Moms as Possible
Nikki Haley
Haley Campaign Press Release - The Sununu Family Is All In For Nikki Haley
DeSantis Campaign Press Release - Ron DeSantis: "You can take the ambassador out of the United Nations, but you can't take the United Nations out of the ambassador."
Ron DeSantis
DeSantis Campaign Press Release - Ron DeSantis: "The Reality is, Nikki Haley is Not Somebody That Has Been Willing to Stand in and Fight on Behalf of Conservatives"
Statement by Nikki Haley on Chris Christie's Decision to End Presidential Campaign Activities
Haley Campaign Press Release - Haley vs. DC Insiders on Spending and Debt
Haley Campaign Press Release - Fact Check: DeSantis Lies About Haley Support for Border Wall
Haley Campaign Press Release - Debate 5: Haley's Honesty and Moral Clarity Shines
Haley Campaign Press Release - Pre-Debate Video: DeSantis is Lying Because He's Losing
DeSantis Campaign Press Release - Nikki Haley's Record of Flip-Flopping on Israel
DeSantis Campaign Press Release - Ron DeSantis: "It's tough for me to take something from somebody that goes to another state, and then says Iowa's votes need to be corrected."
DeSantis Campaign Press Release - Ron DeSantis: "If the FBI is passing around memos saying observant Catholics are potential terrorists, I'm firing those people."
Haley Campaign Press Release - DeSantis Record Shows He's a Big Spender
Haley Campaign Press Release - Haley Secures Prominent Iowa Endorsements Ahead of Caucus Day
DeSantis Campaign Press Release - Ron DeSantis: "Donald Trump's running for his issues, Nikki Haley's running for her donors' issues. I'm running for your issues."
DeSantis Campaign Press Release - Ron DeSantis Holds Press Conference with Bob Vander Plaats and Congressman Chip Roy After Fox News Town Hall
Haley Campaign Press Release - WSJ: Who's Afraid of Nikki Haley?
Haley Campaign Press Release - 6 Days Until Caucus; No Days Off
Haley Campaign Press Release - Haley Surging, Trump Dropping, DeSantis Fading
Haley Campaign Press Release - Judge Judy Endorses Nikki Haley