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Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Clinton Names Bob J. Nash Deputy Campaign Manager
Hillary Clinton
Giuliani Campaign Press Release - Former Maryland Governor Bob Ehrlich Endorses Giuliani
Rudy Giuliani
Richardson Campaign Press Release - Campaign Schedule for March 21-24
Bill Richardson
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Bill Shaheen Endorses Senator Clinton
Obama Campaign Press Release - A Message from David Plouffe
Barack Obama
Edwards Campaign Press Release - John Edwards For President Announces Oregon Campaign Leadership
John Edwards
Obama: Time to bring this conflict to a responsible end
Romney Campaign Press Release - Jorge L. Arrizurieta Joins Governor Mitt Romney's Latin American Policy Advisory Group
Mitt Romney
Romney Campaign Press Release - Claire Austin to Serve as Alabama Adviser to Romney for President
Romney Campaign Press Release - In Case You Missed It: Governor Mitt Romney On Senator Hillary Clinton's Iran Strategy
Edwards Campaign Press Release - Edwards Announces Bold Energy Plan
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Asst. NH House Majority Leader Endorses Senator Clinton for President
Romney Campaign Press Release - H. Wayne Huizenga Joins Governor Mitt Romney's Florida Statewide Finance Committee
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Clinton Introduced Autism Bill to Promote Services for Those Affected by Autism
Richardson Campaign Press Release - New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson Honored by Texas State Legislature
Statement by New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson Paying Tribute to US Troops on Iraq War Anniversary, Renews Call for US to Withdraw
Romney Campaign Press Release - U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch Endorses Governor Mitt Romney For President
Romney Campaign Press Release - In Case You Missed It: Governor Romney on Radio Mambi
Biden Campaign Press Release - Senator Joe Biden to Make Campaign Stops in Carson City
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Pennsylvania Rep. Schwartz Endorses Clinton
Hillary Clinton Statement on Iraq War Anniversary
Statement by John Edwards Calling On the White House To Come Clean On Firing Of U.S. Attorneys
Statement by Governor Mitt Romney on the Fourth Anniversary of the Castro Regime's Crackdown on Pro-Democracy Leaders
Giuliani Campaign Press Release - Jim Dyke and Michael McKeon Join Giuliani Campaign
Richardson Campaign Press Release - Governor Richardson Lauds Success on Minimum Wage, Tax Cuts, Water, Energy and Education
Romney Campaign Press Release - State Representative Dave Hildenbrand to Lead Governor Mitt Romney's Michigan Sportsmen Effort
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - From the Senate: Clinton, Mikulski, Murray, Snowe Applaud FDA Decision to Maintain Funding for Office of Women's Health
Statement by New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson on California's Presidential Primary Move to February 5
Statement by Senator Joe Biden on Attorney General Gonzales
Statement by Governor Bill Richardson in the Minimum Wage
Edwards Campaign Press Release - 30 Members Of The Oklahoma State Legislature Endorse John Edwards For President
Biden Campaign Press Release - Biden Bill to Hire 50,000 More Cops Nationwide Unanimoulsy Passes Judiciary Committee
Romney Campaign Press Release - Governor Mitt Romney Names Senator Stewart Iverson As Adviser To Iowa Campaign
Remarks in Manchester, New Hampshire
Statement by Governor Bill Richardson Calling for Repeal of US Military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy
Giuliani Campaign Press Release - Police Officers Association of Michigan Endorses Mayor Giuliani for President
Edwards Statement On California Moving Its Primary To February 5th, 2008
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Sixteen NH State Representatives Endorse Senator Clinton for President
Speech on Subprime Lending
Romney Campaign Press Release - Governor Mitt Romney Names California Finance Co-Chairs