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Remarks to the Republican National Committee Meeting in Chicago.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
The President's News Conference
Address to the Third Special Emergency Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations
Remarks to the International Air Cadet Exchange Group.
Remarks to the American Field Service Students.
Remarks on Presentation of the Medal of Freedom to Lewis L. Strauss, and Accompanying Citation.
Address to the Members of the Canadian Houses of Parliament.
Message Recorded for the 15th Anniversary of the American forces Network.
Remarks to a Group of Junior Red Cross Delegates.
Remarks to the National 4-H Conference.
Exchange of Toasts Between the President and the President of the Philippines
Remarks of Welcome to President Garcia of the Philippines at the Washington National Airport
Remarks on Introducing Prime Minister Macmillan at the Johns Hopkins University Commencement
Toasts of the President and President Heuss of Germany
Address at U. S. Naval Academy Commencement.
Remarks of Welcome to the President of Germany at the Washington National Airport
Address at the Sesquicentennial Commencement of Mount St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg, Maryland.