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Remarks at Springfield, Massachusetts
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Address at Fenway Park, Boston, Massachusetts
Remarks at Bridgeport, Connecticut
Remarks at Hartford, Connecticut
Radio Address from the White House.
Remarks at Clarksburg, West Virginia
Remarks at Fort Wayne, Indiana
Address at Soldiers' Field, Chicago, Illinois
Remarks at Wilmington, Delaware
Address at Shibe Park, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Remarks at a Businessmen's Rally for Senator Wagner. Ebbets Field, Brooklyn, New York
Radio Address at a Dinner of the Foreign Policy Association. New York, N. Y.
Radio Address on the National War Fund Drive.
Address to the Chiefs of the Diplomatic Missions from Other American Republics.
Address on Accepting the Four Freedoms Award from the Italian-American Labor Council
Remarks to the Conference on Rural Education.
Excerpts from the Press Conference
Address at a Union Dinner. Washington, D.C.
Excerpts from the Joint Press Conference with Churchill and Mackenzie King in Quebec, Canada