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Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the President's Committee on National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week.
Harry S Truman
The President's News Conference
Remarks to a Group of Exchange Teachers From Great Britain, France, and Canada.
Address at the Dedication of the New Washington Headquarters of the American Legion.
Address at the Dedication of the Presidential Lounge at Union Station for the Use of Service Men and Women.
Remarks to the Members of the United Defense Fund.
Remarks to Delegates of Girls Nation.
Address in Detroit at the Celebration of the City's 250th Anniversary.
Remarks to Delegates to the Sixth Annual American Legion "Boys Nation."
Remarks to a Group of Danish Boys From the International Boys Camp, Inc.
Remarks to a Group Representing the French Provincial Press.
Remarks in Grandview, Mo., After Viewing the Flood Disaster Area.
Remarks to W. Averell Harriman Before His Departure on a Mission to Iran.
Remarks Upon Accepting a Piece of the Rock of Corregidor as a Gift From the People of the Philippines.
Remarks to Members of the 25th Infantry Division Association.
Remarks Upon Presenting Congressional Medals of Honor to Capt. Raymond Harvey, Capt. Lewis L. Millett, M. Sgt. Stanley T. Adams, and Corp. Einar H. Ingman, USA
Address at the Ceremonies Commemorating the 175th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.
Remarks to Members of the Student Citizenship Seminar.
Address in Tullahoma, Tenn., at the Dedication of the Arnold Engineering Development Center.
Address at the Dedication of the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center.
Toasts of the President and the President of Ecuador
Remarks to a Group of Newsboy Bond Salesmen.
Remarks of Welcome to the President of Ecuador at the Washington National Airport
Remarks to the Delegates to the 21st National 4-H Club Camp.
Radio and Television Report to the American People on the Need for Extending Inflation Controls.
Remarks at the Highway Safety Conference.
Remarks at the Dedication of the Carter Barron Amphitheater.
Remarks to Members of the Conference of United States Attorneys.
Remarks at the Armed Forces Day Dinner.