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Executive Order 9643—Transferring Certain Personnel, Records, Property, and Funds of the Department of Commerce, With Resepct to Surplus Property, to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Harry S Truman
Executive Order 9644—Authorizing the Civil Service Commission to Confer a Competitive Classfied Civil-service Status Upon Certain Disabled Veterans
Executive Order 9642—Amendment of Executive Order 9356 of June 24, 1943, as Amended, Prescribing Regulations Governing the Furnishing of Clothing in Kind Or Payment of Cash Allowances in Lieu Thereof to Enlisted Personnel of the Navy, the Coast Guard, the Naval Reserve, and the Coast Guard Reserve
Memorandum on the Community War Fund Campaign in the National Capital Area.
Executive Order 9641—Sale of Certain Combatant Vessels of the Navy
Proclamation 2670—General Pulaski's Memorial Day
Executive Order 9640—Creating An Emergency Board to Investigate the Disputes Between the Railway Express Agency, Inc., and Certain of Its Employees
Executive Order 9639—Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to Take Possession of and Operate Certain Plants and Facilities Used in the Transportation, Refining and Processing of Petroleum and Petroleum Products
Executive Order 9638—Creating the Civilian Production Administration and Terminating the War Production Board