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Proclamation 4452—White Cane Safety Day, 1976
Gerald R. Ford
Executive Order 11934—Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
Memorandum on Federal Programs for American Indians.
Proclamation 4451—Women's Equality Day, 1976
Executive Order 11933—Termination of the Federal Energy Office
Executive Order 11932—Classification of Certain Information and Material Obtained From Advisory Bodies Created to Implement the International Energy Program
Executive Order 11931—Extending Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities to Permanent Observers to the Organization of American States and to Members of Their Diplomatic Staffs
Executive Order 11930—Performance by the Federal Energy Office of Energy Functions of the Federal Energy Administration
Proclamation 4450—Leif Erikson Day, 1976
Executive Order 11928—Exemption of Harold Council From Mandatory Retirement
Executive Order 11929—Incentive Pay for Enlisted Members of the Uniformed Services Who Are Involuntarily Removed From Aerial Flight Duties
Executive Order 11927—Amending Executive Order No. 11861, as Amended, Placing Certain Positions in Levels IV and V of the Executive Schedule
Proclamation 4449—Space Exploration Day, 1976
Executive Order 11926—The Vice Presidential Service Badge
Memorandum on the Annual Report on Federal Executive Boards.
Proclamation 4448—Captive Nations Week, 1976
Memorandum Establishing the President's Committee on Urban Development and Neighborhood Revitalization.
Proclamation 4447—National Bicentennial Highway Safety Year, 1976
Executive Order 11925—Promotion of Navy and Marine Corps Officers From Below the Appropriate Promotion Zone
Proclamation 4446—Bicentennial Independence Day
Executive Order 11924—Exemption of Arthur S. Flemming From Mandatory Retirement
Executive Order 11923—The Honorable Francis E. Meloy, Jr. and Robert O. Waring
Executive Order 11922—Amending Executive Order No. 11077 of January 22, 1963, Entitled "Administration of the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962"
Memorandum on the Combined Federal Campaign.
Executive Order 11921—Adjusting Emergency Preparedness Assignments to Organizational and Functional Changes in Federal Departments and Agencies
Proclamation 4445—Stainless and Alloy Tool Steel Imports
Executive Order 11920—Establishing Executive Branch Procedures Solely for the Purpose of Facilitating Presidential Review of Decisions Submitted to the President by the Civil Aeronautics Board
Executive Order 11919—Delegating Authority of the President to Concur in Designations of Commissioners, United States Parole Commission
Proclamation 4444—National Good Neighbor Day, 1976
Executive Order 11918—Compensation for Damages Involving Nuclear Reactors of United States Warships
Memorandum on Civil Service General Schedule Classifications.
Executive Order 11916—Amending Executive Order No. 11649, Regulations Governing the Seals of the President and the Vice President of the United States
Executive Order 11917—Amending Executive Order No. 11643 of February 8, 1972, Relating to Environmental Safeguards on Activities for Animal Damage Control on Federal Lands
Proclamation 4442—Flag Day and National Flag Week, 1976
Proclamation 4443—Modification of the Tariff Rate Quota on Brooms Wholly or in Part of Broom Corn
Proclamation 4441—Father's Day, 1976
Proclamation 4440—Prayer for Peace Memorial Day, May 31, 1976
Memorandum on the Cabinet Committee for Drug Law Enforcement.
Memorandum on the Cabinet Committee on Drug Abuse Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation.
Proclamation 4439—National Tennis Week, 1976