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Proclamation 3966—Red Cross Month, 1970
Richard Nixon
Proclamation 3965—Save Your Vision Week, 1970
Proclamation 3964—Modification of Trade Agreement Concession and Adjustment of Duty on Certain Pianos
Executive Order 11510—Amending Executive Order No. 11248, Placing Certain Positions in Level IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
Proclamation 3963—Mineral Industry Week
Proclamation 3961—Small Business Week, 1970
Proclamation 3962—International Education Year
Executive Order 11509—Establishing the President's Advisory Council on Management Improvement
Executive Order 11508—Providing for the Identification of Unneeded Federal Real Property
Proclamation 3960—American Heart Month, 1970
Proclamation 3959—International Clergy Week in the United States
Executive Order 11507—Prevention, Control, and Abatement of Air and Water Pollution at Federal Facilities
Proclamation 3958—1976 Olympic Games
Executive Order 11506—Further Amending Executive Order No. 11211, Relating to the Exclusion for Original or New Japanese Issues as Required for International Monetary Stability
Proclamation 3957—Law Day, U.S.A., 1970
Proclamation 3956—Centennial of the United States Weather Services
Executive Order 11505—Providing for Inspection of Certain Tax Returns by the Senate Committee on the Judiciary
Proclamation 3955—National Safe Boating Week, 1970
Proclamation 3954—National Poison Prevention Week, 1970
Executive Order 11504—Amending Executive Order No. 11248, Placing Certain Positions in Levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
Proclamation 3952—National Blood Donor Month
Proclamation 3953—Partial Extension of Increased Duty on Imports of Carpets and Rugs
Proclamation 3950—Proclamation Interrupting Duty Reductions on Certain Chemicals
Proclamation 3951—Further Extension of Remaining Increased Duties on Imports of Sheet Glass
Executive Order 11503—Excusing Federal Employees From Duty on December 26, 1969
Executive Order 11501—Administration of Foreign Military Sales
Executive Order 11502—Enlarging the Membership of the President's Committee on the National Medal of Science
Proclamation 3949—Reserve Recognition Day
Executive Order 11500—Amending Executive Order No. 11452, Establishing the Council for Urban Affairs
Proclamation 3948—Amending Proclamation No. 3044 With Respect to Display of the Flag of the United States of America at Half-Staff Upon the Death of Certain Officials and Former Officials
Executive Order 11499—Amending Executive Order No. 11248, Placing Certain Positions in Levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
Proclamation 3947—Wright Brothers Day, 1969
Proclamation 3946—Bill of Rights Day, Human Rights Day
Memorandum Requesting Support for the Minority Business Enterprise Program
Executive Order 11498—Delegating to the Secretary of Defense the Authority to Approve Regulations Governing the Early Discharge of Enlisted Members
Proclamation 3945—Random Selection for Military Service
Executive Order 11497—Amending the Selective Service Regulations to Prescribe Random Selection
Executive Order 11496—Regulation Governing the Entry or Withdrawal From Warehouse of Certain Meat With Respect to Which an Agreement Has Been Concluded
Executive Order 11495—Providing for the Administration of the Disaster Relief Act of 1969
Memorandum on Expenditures by Government Departments and Agencies