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Executive Order 6792—Directing the Postmaster General to Investigate Foreign Air-Mail and Ocean-Mail Contracts Made Prior to June 16, 1933, and to Make Recommendations to the President Relative to the Modification or Cancellation Thereof
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 6794—Approval of Amendments to the Code of Fair Competition for the Alcoholic Beverages Importing Industry
Executive Order 6791—Announcing the Index Figures for the Cost of Living for the 6 Months' Periods Ending June 30, 1928, and June 30, 1934
Executive Order 6769—Rental and Subsistence Allowances of Officers for Fiscal Year 1935
Executive Order 6771—Abolishing the National Recovery Review Board
Executive Order 6790—Code of Fair Competition for the Auction and Loose-Leaf Tobacco Warehouse Industry
Executive Order 6770—Creating the Industrial Emergency Committee
Executive Order 6789—Authorizing the Alaska Railroad to Engage in Coastwise and Ocean Transportation
Executive Order 6777—Establishing the National Resources Board
Executive Order 6782—Public Water Restoration No. 78