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Executive Order 6353—To Effectuate the Provisions of Section 3(e) of Title I of the National Industrial Recovery Act
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Executive Order 6356—Code of Fair Competition for the Industrial Supplies and Machinery Distributors' Trade
Executive Order 6357—Code of Fair Competition for the Plumbago Crucible Industry
Executive Order 6358—Code of Fair Competition for the Steel Tubular and Firebox Boiler Industry
Executive Order 6351—Code of Fair Competition for the Retail Trade
Executive Order 6344—Authorization and Allocation of Funds for Purchase of Lands for Forest Research in Connection with National Arboretum
Executive Order 6345—Amendment of Executive Order No. 6182 as Supplemented by Executive Order No. 6207, Which Delegated to the Secretary of Agriculture Certain Authority Under the National Industrial Recovery Act
Executive Order 6346—In the Matter of the Application of the Greensboro Lumber Company and H. A. Taylor, for Certain Exemptions from the Code of Fair Competition for the Lumber and Timber Products Industries
Executive Order 6347—Further Stay of Part I, Section 1(c) of Code of Fair Competition for the Underwear and Allied Products Manufacturing Industry
Executive Order 6348—Modifying Agreement Approved July 27, 1933, Between the President of the United States and the Code Committee of the Cordage and Twine Industry