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Executive Order 2709—German Boats
Woodrow Wilson
Executive Order 2717—Assigning Quarantine Duties in the Virgin Islands to the Treasury Department
Executive Order 2718—Suspending the Eight-Hour Day in Construction of Immigrant Station at Baltimore, Md
Executive Order 2708—Creating Divisions of Pictures, Films and Publications under the Committee on Public Information
Executive Order 2705—Suspending the Eight-Hour Day in the Bureau of Standards
Executive Order 2696—Suspending Law Admitting Foreign-Built Ships to American Entry
Executive Order 2697—Regulations Relating to the Exportation of Coin, Bullion, and Currency
Executive Order 2694A—Authority to Exercise Powers Bestowed by Sections 15 and 16 of the Food Control Act
Executive Order 2692—Establishing Defensive Sea Areas for Terminal Ports of the Panama Canal, and Providing Regulations for the Government of Persons and Vessels Within Said Areas
Executive Order 2691—Rules for the Government of the Virgin Islands