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Executive Order 2765—Determination of a Just, Fair, and Reasonable Profit Under Section 5 of the Food Control Act
Woodrow Wilson
Proclamation 1405—Thanksgiving Day, 1917
Executive Order 2748—German Boats
Executive Order 2744—Fixing Salary of, and Vesting Certain Power and Authority in, the Alien Property Custodian Appointed Under Trading with the Enemy Act
Executive Order 2741—Waiving Civil Service Regulations for Confidential Positions under the Trading with the Enemy Act
Executive Order 2736—Providing for Requisitioning of Foods and Feeds
Executive Order 2734—Suspending Civil Service Rules in Training Camp Activities
Executive Order 2730—Free Consular Services
Executive Order 2729A—Vesting Power and Authority in Designated Officers and Making Rules and Regulations Under Trading with the Enemy Act and Title VII of the Act Approved June 15, 1917
Proclamation 1397—Modfying the Boundaries of the Cache National Forest, Idaho and Utah