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Joint Statement Following Discussions With Prime Minister Suhrawardy of Pakistan.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Housing Act of 1957.
Letter to Carl T. Durham, Chairman, Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, on Proposed Agreement With Australia.
Executive Order 10720—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10678, Placing Certain Matters Under the Administration or Jurisdiction of the Federal Facilities Corporation
Remarks at Presentation Ceremony on Receiving New Army Flag.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Act Authorizing the Sale of Long Staple Cotton.
Statement by the President on the Death of Mrs. Grace Goodhue Coolidge.
The President's News Conference
Statement by the President Announcing Determination Making Additional Uranium 235 Available for Peaceful Uses.
Executive Order 10719—Restoring Certain Lands of the Schofield Barracks Military Reservation to the Jurisdiction of the Territory of Hawaii
Veto of Bill for the Relief of Colonel Benjamin Axelroad.
Remarks in Connection With the Opening of the International Geophysical Year
Statement by the President to the People in Areas Affected by Hurricane Audrey.
Proclamation 3191—Carrying out Supplementary Agreements Granting Concessions to Compensate for Escape Clause Action on Certain Toweling
Remarks at Ceremonies Opening the Islamic Center.
Proclamation 3190—Carrying out the Eighth Protocol of Supplementary Concessions to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, and For Other Purposes
Executive Order 10717—The President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service
Executive Order 10718—Delegating to the Secretary of State Authority To Prescribe the Rates or Tariffs of Fees for Official Services at United States Embassies, Legations, and Consulates
Proclamation 3189—Imposing a Quota on Imports of Rye, Rye Flour, and Rye Meal
Proclamation 3188—United Nations Day, 1957
Proclamation 3188A—Immigration Quota—Ghana
Address to the 1957 Governors' Conference, Williamsburg, Virginia.
Proclamation 3187—Further Modification of the Trade-Agreement Concession on Alsike Clover Seed
Joint Statement Following Discussions With the Prime Minister of Japan.
Remarks to the Young Republican National Federation.
Remarks to the National Association of Television and Radio Farm Directors
Remarks to the National 4-H Conference.
Executive Order 10716—Administration of the International Cultural Exchange and Trade Fair Participation Act of 1956
Executive Order 10715—Revoking Executive Order No. 9775 of September 3, 1946
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives on the Hoover Commission Recommendations.
Letter to Secretary of State John Foster Dulles on the 50th Anniversary of His First Service in the Field of Foreign Affairs
Remarks to the Committee for a National Trade Policy.
Executive Order 10714—Amending the Selective Service Regulations
Remarks at the Ground-Breaking for the School of International Service, American University
Address to the Republican National Conference.
Remarks to the Officers and Men of the U. S. S. Saratoga.
Message to General of the Army George C. Marshall on the Tenth Anniversary of His Address Setting Forth the Marshall Plan