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Executive Order 10415—Amendment of Executive Order No. 9949, Entitled "Modifying Executive Order No. 9721, Providing for the Transfer of Personnel to Certain Public International Organizations"
Harry S Truman
Executive Order 10416—Amendment of Executive Orders No. 10251 and No. 10282, Suspending the Eight-Hour Law as to Certain Laborers and Mechanics Employed by the Department of Defense and the Department of the Interior Repectively
Citation Accompanying Distinguished Service Medal Presented to Admiral Souers.
Proclamation 2999—United Nations Human Rights Day, 1952
Executive Order 10414—Restoring Land of the Upolu Point Military Reservation to the Jurisdiciton of the Territory of Hawaii
Letter to the Chairman, Civil Service Commission, on the Need for Maintaining Rosters of Former Mobilization Personnel.
Remarks to a Group of Business Paper Editors.
Remarks in Alexandria, Va., at the Cornerstone Laying of the Westminster Presbyterian Church.
Statement by the President on the Death of William Green.
Remarks at a Meeting of an Orientation Course Conducted by the CIA.
The President's News Conference
Proclamation 2998—Enlarging the Hovenweep National Monument, Colorado and Utah
Address Before the Association of Military Surgeons.
Joint Statement following a Meeting With the President-Elect.
Message to the Congress Transmitting Second Report on the Mutual Security Program.
Executive Order 10413—Restoring Kure (Ocean) Island to the Jurisdiction of the Territory of Hawaii
Remarks on Laying the Cornerstone of the New Temple of the Washington Hebrew Congregation.
Executive Order 10412—Inspection of Returns by Senate Committee on the Judiciary
Proclamation 2997—Granting Certain Land to the City of Eastport, Maine, for Public Use
Remarks to the Directors of the National Newspaper Publishers Association.
Executive Order 10411—Restoring Certain Lands Comprising Parts of the Aiea Military Reservation of the Jurisdiction of the Territory of Hawaii
Executive Order 10410—Specification of Laws from Which the Escapee Program Administered by the Department of State Shall Be Exempt
Executive Order 10409—Award of the Purle Heart to Persons Serving with the Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard of the United States
Letter Directing the Air Coordinating Committee To Make Plans for Observing the 50th Anniversary of the Wright Brothers flight.
Executive Order 10408—Transfer of the Administrion of the Portion of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Which Includes the Islands of Tinian and Saipan from the Secretary of the Interior to the Secretary of the Navy
Proclamation 2996—Thanksgiving Day, 1952
Executive Order 10406—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between the United Air Lines, Inc. and Certain of Its Employees
Statement by the President on the Death of Representative Adolph J. Sabath of Illinois.
Executive Order 10405—Exemption of Theodore Marks from Cumpulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 10407—Withholding of State or Territorial Income Taxes by Federal Agencies
Telegram to the President-Elect
Executive Order 10404—Resorting Certain Land Reserved for Military Purposes to the Territory of Hawaii and Transfering Title to Such Land and to Certain Other Lands to the Territory
Proclamation 2995—Establishment of the Coronado National Memorial Arizona
Executive Order 10403—Reserving Certain Lands Comprising a Part of the Fort Missoula Military Reservation as an Addition to the Fort Missoula District of the Lolo National Forest
Statement by the President on the Election of Dwight D. Eisenhower as President of the United States
Radio and Television Remarks on Election Eve
Further Statement by the President on the Decision To Withdraw U.S. Forces from Korea, 1947-1949.
Rear Platform Remarks in Indiana and Illinois
Address at the Kiel Auditorium in St. Louis
Rear Platform and Other Informal Remarks in Ohio