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Letter to the Director, Office of Defense Mobilization, on Federal Activities in the Flood Disaster Areas.
Harry S Truman
Letter to Mrs. C. Irving Guyer on the Need for Controlling Inflation.
Remarks to a Group of Danish Boys From the International Boys Camp, Inc.
Remarks to a Group Representing the French Provincial Press.
Executive Order 10273—Exemption of Herbert E. Gaston from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 10274—Further Amendment of Executive Order No. 9805, Prescribing Regulations Governing Payment of Certain Travel and Transportation Expenses
Letter to the President of the Senate on a Pending Bill To Increase Public Assistance Payments.
Remarks in Grandview, Mo., After Viewing the Flood Disaster Area.
Letter to the Executive Secretary, National Security Council, Requesting a Study of the Employee Security Program.
Message to the President of France on Bastille Day.
Special Message to the Congress on the Employment of Agricultural Workers from Mexico.
Remarks to W. Averell Harriman Before His Departure on a Mission to Iran.
The President's News Conference
Letter to Committee Chairmen on the Need for a Pay Increase for Federal Employees.
Executive Order 10272—Delegating to the Secretary of the Army the Authority of the President to Prescribe Rules, Regulations, and Restrictions with Respect to the Army and Navy Hospital At Hot Springs, Arkansas
Remarks Upon Accepting a Piece of the Rock of Corregidor as a Gift From the People of the Philippines.
Letter to the President of the Senate Recommending Legislation To Terminate the State of War With Germany.
Message to the Prime Minister of Iran Following the Breakdown of Oil Discussions With Great Britain.
Message to the President of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, U.S.S.R., Transmitting a Resolution Expressing American Friendship.
Remarks to Members of the 25th Infantry Division Association.
Executive Order 10271—Delegating the Authority of the President to Order Members and Units of Reserve Components of the Armed Forces Into Active Federal Service
Executive Order 10270—Extension of Enlistments in the Armed Forces of the United States
Executive Order 10269—Delegating to the Director of Defense Mobilization the Authority of the President to Determine, with Respect to the Need for School Facilities, Areas Which Are Critical by Reason of National-Defense Activities
Remarks Upon Presenting Congressional Medals of Honor to Capt. Raymond Harvey, Capt. Lewis L. Millett, M. Sgt. Stanley T. Adams, and Corp. Einar H. Ingman, USA
Executive Order 10268—Restoring Certain Lands Comprisings Portions of the Fort Ruger Miltary Reservation to the Jurisdiction of the Territory of Hawaii
Letter to the President of the Senate on the Continued Need for Effective Price, Wage, and Production Controls.
Address at the Ceremonies Commemorating the 175th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.
Executive Order 10267—Declaring Certain Lands in the Nantahala National Forest
Letter to the Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers, in Response to Report "The New England Economy."
Executive Order 10266—Suspension of Certain Provisions of the Officer Personnel Act of 1947, as Amended, Which Relate to Officers of the Navy and Marine Corps
Executive Order 10263—Transfer of the Panama Canal (The Waterway), Together with Facilities and Appurtenances Related Thereto, and Other Facilities and Appurtenances Maintained and Operated by the Panama Canal (the Agency), to the Panama Railroad Company
Executive Order 10264—Transfer of the Administration of American Samoa from the Secretary of the Navy to the Secretary of the Interior
Executive Order 10265—Transfer of the Administration of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands from the Secretary of the Navy to the Secretary of the Interior
Statement by the President on Transferring the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands and American Samoa to Civilian Administration.
Proclamation 2934—Supplemental Quota on Imports of Long-Staple Cotton
Executive Order 10262—Suspension of Professional Examinations for Promotion of Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Offices in the Regular Army and Air Force
Proclamation 2933—Termination of Costa Rican Trade Agreement Proclamation
Executive Order 10259—Delegating to the Secretary of State the Authority Vested in the President by Title V of the Foreign Economic Assistance Act of 1950 Relating to International Children's Welfare Work