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Executive Order 5217—Restoring Certain Reserved Lands for Public Water Reserves and Such Lands Restored to Public Domain, Washington
Herbert Hoover
Executive Order 5218—Reserving Certain Described Lands for Resurvey, California
Executive Order 5216—Restoring Certain Reserved Lands for Resurvey and Opening Such Lands to Entry, South Dakota
The President's News Conference
Executive Order 5215—Restoring Certain Reserved Lands Pending Resurvey and Opening Such Lands to Entry, Wyoming
Message on the Forget-Me-Not Campaign of the Disabled American Veterans.
Message for a Testimonial Dinner Honoring Dr. Fred B. Smith.
Remarks at a Ceremony Honoring Madame Marie Curie.
Executive Order 5214—Reserving Certain Described Lands for Naval Purposes, Alaska
Statement on the Death of Senator Theodore E. Burton.
Message to President Thomas G. Masaryk on Czechoslovakia's Independence Day.
Message to President Mustapha Kemal on Turkey's Independence Day.
Executive Order 5213—Amending Schedule A, Subdivision VIII of the Civil Service Rules
Message to the Institute of Pacific Relations.
Message on the 250th Anniversary of the Settlement of Trenton, New Jersey.
Message on the Institute of Paper Chemistry at Lawrence College.
Message on the Birthday of Theodore Roosevelt and Its Celebration on Navy Day.
Executive Order 5212—Restoring Certain Reserved Lands for Resurvey and Opening Such Lands to Entry, Washington
Statement on the National Business and Economic Situation
Messages of Sympathy for the Victims of an Accidental Explosion During the President's Visit to Madison, Indiana.
Message to President Carlos Ibanez del Campo of Chile on His Escape From Assassination.
Address at Louisville, Kentucky, Celebrating the Completion of the Ohio River Improvement Project.
Message to the President of Uruguay on the Death of Former President Jose Battle y Ordonez.
Remarks at Cincinnati, Ohio, Celebrating the Completion of the Ohio River Improvement Project.
Message on the Presentation to Cornelius F. Kelley of the Gold Medal Award for Mining Achievement.
Remarks During a Motor Tour of Detroit, Michigan.
Letter in Reply to Florida Republicans Protesting an Appointment.
Address on the 50th Anniversary of Thomas Edison's Invention of the Incandescent Electric Lamp.
Message to King Alfonso XIII on the Inauguration of Direct Radiotelegraphic Service With Spain.
Message on the 50th Anniversary of The American Hebrew.
Executive Order 5211—Reserving Certain Described Lands for Airspace Reservation Purposes, Maryland
Message to Commander Richard E. Byrd on His Antarctic Expedition.
Statement on the Commission on Conservation and Administration of the Public Domain.
Statement on the Library at the University of Louvain, Belgium.
Executive Order 5210—Authorizing the Appointment of Josephine Jackley Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
Exchange of Messages With Prime Minister MacDonald on His Departure from the United States.