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Executive Order 5107—Amendment to Schedule A of the Civil Service Rules
Herbert Hoover
Message to the People of Orleans, France, on the 500th Anniversary of the Raising of the Siege of the City by Jeanne d'Arc.
The President's News Conference
Statement on Progress Toward Naval Reduction at the Geneva Meeting of the Preparatory Commission on the Disarmament Conference.
Message on the Opening of the 12th Exposition of Chemical Industries.
Message to the 33d Convention of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers.
Message to the National Federation of Men's Bible Classes.
Letter on the Award to Alfred E. Smith of the Laetare Medal From the University of Notre Dame.
Executive Order 5106—Excluding the Territory of Alaska from Operation of Public Water Reserve No. 107
Executive Order 5105—Reserving Certain Described Lands for Possible Inclusion in a National Monument, Nevada
Message in Connection With Rural Life Sunday.
Letter to William A. DeGroot Removing Him From Office
Executive Order 5103—Authorizing the Appointment of Lottie C. Moyer Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
Letter Accepting Resignation of Eugene Meyer as Federal Farm Loan Commissioner.
Executive Order 5104—Prescribing Regulations Governing the Appointment of Postmasters of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Class
Executive Order 5102—Restoring Certain Reserved Lands Withdrawn for the Extension of Chugach National Forest, Alaska
Letter Accepting Honorary Chairmanship of the Sponsorship Committee of the Edison Pioneers.
Message to the Volunteers of America on the 50th Anniversary of the Ministry of General Ballington Booth.
Executive Order 5101—Approving Recommendation for Appointment of Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Porterfield Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
Message in Connection With the Observance of National Music Week.
Executive Order 5100—Authorizing the Appointment of Jean N. Edington Without Regard to Civil Service Rules
Executive Order 5099—Ordering Rates of Rental and Subsistence Allowances of Officers of the Various Services into Effect
Letter to Chairman Clarence D. Clark Regarding His Position in the International Joint Commission
Address to the American Institute of Architects: Improvement of the National Capital.
Remarks on Receiving the John Fritz Medal, Awarded by Engineering Organizations
Executive Order 5098—Reserving Certain Described Lands in Wyoming for Resurvey
Proclamation 1876—Amending the Migratory Bird Regulations
Message Endorsing the Leonard Wood Memorial for the Eradication of Leprosy.
Letter to Senator Charles L. McNary on the Export Debenture Plan of Farm Relief.
Address to the Associated Press: Law Enforcement and Respect for the Law.
Message Endorsing the ORT Jewish Relief Campaign.
Message to the People of Spain on the Unveiling of the Columbus Monument at Palos, Spain.
Executive Order 5097—Permitting the Leasing of Certain Lands Reserved to Department of Commerce for Lighthouse Purposes in Alaska by the Department of Interior for Farming Purposes
Message to the Annual Conventions of the American Newspaper Publishers and the Associated Press.
Executive Order 5096—Extending Port Limits of Boston, Massachusetts for Customs Port of Entry Purposes