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Fourth Annual Message
Calvin Coolidge
Executive Order 4549—San Carlos Indian Irrigation Project
Excerpts of the President's News Conference
Address at the Dedication of the Liberty Memorial at Kansas City, Missouri
Executive Order 4538—Presidential Postmasterships
Proclamation—Armistice Day, 1926
Proclamation 1788—Thanksgiving Day, 1926
Address Before the American Association of Advertising Agencies in Washington, D.C.
Executive Order 4527—Political Activities of Alaska Railroad Employees
Address at the Annual Convention of the American Red Cross in Washington, D.C.
Proclamation—Fire Prevention Week—1926
Proclamation—Exportation of Arms or Munitions of War to Nicaragua Unlawful
Excerpts of the President's News Conference at White Pine Camp in Paul Smiths, New York
Executive Order 4476—Documents Required of Aliens Entering the United States
Address at the Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Message to the Senate Returning Without Approval S. 4152, "An Act to Authorize Oil and Gas Mining Leases Upon Unallotted Lands Within Executive Order Indian Reservations, and for Other Purposes"
Address at the Eleventh Regular Meeting of the Business Organization of the Government, Washington, D.C.
Proclamation 1774—Extension of Time for Payments for Crow Indian Lands, Montana
Address at the Memorial Exercises at Arlington, Virginia
Address at the Dedication of the Statue of John Ericsson, Washington, D.C.