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White House Press Release - Vice President Biden to Oversee the Administration's Implementation of the Recovery Act's Provisions
Barack Obama
White House Press Release - Geithner, Summers Convene Official Designees to Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry
White House Press Release - President Obama Selects Top Rural Health Care Advocate to Oversee Key HHS Agency
White House Press Release - President Barack Obama Announces Key White House Posts
White House Press Release - President Obama and Prime Minister Harper vow joint effort on North American economic recovery
White House Press Release - White House Announces 2009 Governors' Dinner
President Obama Signs Oklahoma, Missouri and Tennessee Major Disaster Declarations
Readout on the President's Call to Turkish President Gul and Prime Minister Erdogan
Declaration of Major Disaster in the State of Oklahoma
Readout on the President's Call to King Juan Carlos I of Spain
Nomination Sent to the Senate
White House Press Release - President Obama Directs the National Security and Homeland Security Advisors to Conduct Immediate Cyber Security Review
Readout on the President's Call to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd of Australia
White House Press Release - Governor Crist to Join President at Fort Myers Town Hall Meeting Tomorrow
Readout on the President's Meeting with Family Members of the Victims of the Attacks of September 11th and the Attack on the USS Cole
White House Press Release - President Obama Announces More Key White House Staff
White House Press Release - Statement on Today's Employment Numbers from Christina D. Romer, Chair, President's Council of Economic Advisers
President Obama Signs Major Disaster Declaration for Arkansas
White House Press Release - Obama Announces Economic Advisory Board
White House Press Release - Obama Announces White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships
President Obama Signs Major Disaster Declaration for the Commonwealth of Kentucky
White House Press Release - Vice President Biden: "400,000 Jobs to Be Created Nationwide by Investing in Our Country's Infrastructure"
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
White House Press Release - Treasury Announces New Restrictions On Executive Compensation
White House Press Release - White House Releases Additional State-Specific Impacts of American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan
White House Press Release - Duckworth Tapped for VA Assistant Secretary
White House Press Release - State-By-State Employment Data on Impact of American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan
White House Press Release - Letter from Nancy Killefer to President Obama
White House Press Release - Ron Sims To Be Nominated As HUD's Deputy Secretary
Readout on President Obama's Calls to Iraqi President Talabani, Prime Minister Maliki and President Lee of the Republic of Korea
Readout on Meeting with Democratic Congressional Leaders
Readout of the President's Calls Tonight
Obama Signs Emergency Disaster Declaration for Missouri
White House Press Release - White House Announces Middle Class Task Force
White House Press Release - Statement from Christina D. Romer, Chair, Council of Economic Advisors on the Fourth Quarter 2008 Advance GDP Estimate
Obama Declares Major Disaster in Washington State
Readout on the President's Call to Prime Minister Aso of Japan
White House Press Release - President Obama Announces Deputy Directors for Intergovernmental Affairs
White House Press Release - President Obama Announces Key Additions to the Office of the White House Counsel
White House Press Release - President Obama Speaks with Governors Beebe and Beshear; Signs Emergency Declarations for Arkansas and Kentucky
White House Press Release - President Obama Announces Deputy Directors for the National Economic Council