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Statement by the Press Secretary on the Visit of President Mubarak of Egypt to the White House
Barack Obama
Statement by Secretary Robert Gibbs on the Death of Former President of the Philippines Corazon Aquino
Statement by the Press Secretary on Upcoming Travel by the President
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Visit of Prime Minister al-Maliki to the White House
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Visit of Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to the White House
Statement by the Press Secretary on the President's Visit to the L'Aquila Earthquake Zone with Prime Minister Berlusconi of Italy
Statement by the Press Secretary on Niger
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Visit of Dutch Prime Minister Balkenende's Visit to Washington
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Visit of Chancellor Angela Merkel to the White House
Statement by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on the Bipartisan Policy Center's Health Reform Proposal
Statement from Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on Prime Minister Netanyahu's Speech
Statement by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on the Iranian Election
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Visit of President Michelle Bachelet of Chile to the White House
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Visit of President Alvaro Uribe of Colombia to the White House
Statement by the Press Secretary on the President's Call with President Rafael Correa of Ecuador
Statement by the Press Secretary on the President's Call with King Abdullah of Jordan
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Visit of Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai of Zimbabwe
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Visit of Prime Minister Berlusconi to the White House
Statement by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on Designation of Significant Foreign Narcotics Traffickers
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Terrorist Attacks in Iran
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Republic of Korea's Endorsement of the Proliferation Security Initiative
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Visit of Tanzanian President Kikwete
Statement by the Press Secretary on Elections in India
Statement by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on General McKiernan
Statement by the Press Secretary on the 61st Anniversary of Israel's Independence
Statement by the Press Secretary on Conclusion of the Cyberspace Review
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Visit of King Abdullah of Jordan
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Visit of NATO Secretary General Jakob Gijsbert "Jaap" de Hoop Scheffer
Statement by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on the President's Strong Commitment to America's Veterans
Statement by the Press Secretary - Visit by the President and Mrs. Obama to Europe
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Upcoming Working Visit by President Luis Ignacio "Lula" Da Silva of Brazil to Washington
Statement by the Press Secretary on an Upcoming Visit to Washington by Prime Minister Gordon Brown
Statement From Press Secretary Robert Gibbs On Restructuring Reports Submitted By General Motors And Chrysler
Statement by the Press Secretary About an Upcoming Working Visit by Prime Minister Taro Aso of Japan to Washington
Statement from Press Secretary Robert Gibbs
Statement from Robert Gibbs on the Election of the New Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church
Statement from the Press Secretary on Executive Office Building
Statement from Robert Gibbs on the President's Meeting with Economic Team
Statement from the Press Secretary on the President's Signing of Two Executive Orders and Three Memoranda