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Eulogy at a Memorial Service for Former President Jimmy Carter
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Remarks by the Vice President at the Lying in State Ceremony for Former President Jimmy Carter
Kamala Harris
Eulogy at a Memorial Service for Ethel Kennedy
Remarks at a Memorial Service for Former Supreme Court Associate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor
Remarks at a Memorial Service for Former Secretary of Defense Ashton B. Carter
Remarks at a Memorial Service for Former Vice President Walter F. Mondale in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Remarks at the Funeral Service of Former Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright
Remarks at a Memorial Service for Former Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid in Las Vegas, Nevada
Eulogy at the Funeral Service for Former Senator Robert J. Dole
Eulogy at the Funeral of Former Governor Ruth Ann Minner of Delaware in Milford, Delaware
Remarks at the Funeral Ceremony for Former Senator John W. Warner III
Remarks at a Memorial Service for Former President Shimon Peres of Israel in Jerusalem
Barack Obama
Eulogy at the Funeral Service for Former Deputy White House Counsel Cassandra Q. Butts
Eulogy at the Funeral Service for Pastor Clementa C. Pinckney of the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina
Eulogy at the Funeral Service for Joseph R. "Beau" Biden III in Wilmington, Delaware
Remarks at the Memorial Service for Former President Nelson R. Mandela of South Africa in Johannesburg, South Africa
Remarks at a Memorial Service for Former Speaker of the House of Representatives Thomas S. Foley
Eulogy at the Funeral Service for Senator Daniel K. Inouye
Remarks at a Memorial Service for Former United States Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard C. Holbrooke
Eulogy at the Funeral Service for Senator Robert C. Byrd in Charleston, West Virginia
Eulogy at a Funeral Service for Civil Rights Activist Dorothy I. Height
Remarks at a Memorial Service for Walter L. Cronkite in New York City
Eulogy at the Funeral Service for Senator Edward M. Kennedy in Boston, Massachusetts
Remarks at the Funeral Service for Former White House Press Secretary Tony Snow
George W. Bush
Eulogy at the National Funeral Service for Former President Gerald R. Ford
Remarks at the Funeral Service for Coretta Scott King in Lithonia, Georgia
Remarks at the Funeral Service for Chief Justice of the United States William H. Rehnquist
Eulogy at the National Funeral Service for President Ronald Reagan
Remarks at a Memorial Service for the STS-107 Crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia in Houston, Texas
Remarks at a Memorial Service for Jack McAuliffe in Syracuse, New York
William J. Clinton
Remarks at a Memorial Service for Charles F.C. Ruff
Remarks at a Memorial Service for Governor Mel Carnahan in Jefferson City, Missouri
Remarks at a Memorial Service for Diane Blair in Fayetteville, Arkansas
Remarks at a Memorial Service for Casey Shearer in Providence, Rhode Island
Remarks at a Memorial Service for Daisy Bates in Little Rock, Arkansas
Remarks at a Memorial Service for Bob Squier
Remarks at Funeral Services for Elmo R. Zumwalt, Jr., in Annapolis, Maryland
Remarks at a Memorial Service for Lane Kirkland
Remarks at a Memorial Service for Dan Dutko
Remarks at a Memorial Service for Lawton Chiles