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Statement by Senator Bernie Sanders on the Death of Nancy Reagan
Bernie Sanders
Statement by Senator Ted Cruz on the Death of Nancy Reagan
Ted Cruz
Statement by Senator Bernie Sanders Following the Nebraska Caucuses
Kasich Campaign Press Release - Endorsement: Michigan Lieutenant Governor Brian Calley Supports John Kasich for President
John Kasich
Hillary Clinton Campaign Press Release - Hillary Clinton Is Leading the Primary Race By 204 Pledged Delegates. Here's Why It Matters
Hillary Clinton
Kasich Campaign Press Release - Op-Ed: Speaker Gingrich Says That John Kasich's Moment Has Arrived
Sanders Campaign Press Release - Tenemos Familias
Sanders Campaign Press Release - Social Security Workers Endorse Sanders, He Calls Republican Cuts 'Crazy' and Clinton 'Vague'
Rubio Campaign Press Release - VIDEO: Marco Rubio Stuns CPAC Crowd with Inspiring Speech
Marco Rubio
Tweets of March 5, 2016
Donald J. Trump (1st Term)