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Statement by the President Reporting Progress in the Job Development Program.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Statement by the President Upon Issuing a New Safety Policy for the Federal Service.
Statement by the President Giving Highlights of His Report on Communications Satellites.
Statement by the President on the Nation's First Neighborhood Youth Corps Project.
Statement by the President Announcing Progress in the Longshoremen's Strike.
Statement by the President on the Study of Steel Prices by the Council of Economic Advisers.
Statement by the President on the Longshoremen's Strike.
Statement by the President Following a Meeting With German Ambassador Heinrich Knappstein.
Statement by the President Upon Ordering Withdrawal of American Dependents From South Viet-Nam.
Statement by the President Upon Establishing the Job Development Program.
Statement by the President on the Death of Winston Churchill.
Statement by the President to the Members of the Committee on Nuclear Proliferation.
Statement by the President on Announcing 88 New Projects in the War on Poverty.
Statement by the President Reviewing the Economic Gains of 1964.
Joint Statement Following Meetings With the Prime Minister of Japan.
Statement by the President on Announcing Photographic Program "The President's Choice."
Statement by the President on His Message on the Nation's Health.
Statement by the President on the Appointment of Lloyd N. Hand To Succeed Angler B. Duke as Chief of Protocol.
Statement by the President on the Appointment of William I. Driver as Administrator of Veterans Affairs.
Statement by the President on the Appointment of John E. Home as Chairman, Federal Home Loan Bank Board.
Statement by the President in Response to Report Reviewing Gains in Government Employment of Minority Groups.
Statement by the President on the New Level of Personal Income in the United States.
Statement by the President on the Launching of the Italian San Marco Satellite.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With the Prime Minister of Great Britain.
Statement by the President Upon Approving Civil Rights Regulations Covering the Programs of Federal Departments and Agencies.
Statement by the President on the November Employment Report.
Statement by the President on the Supersonic Transport Program.
Statement by the President at a Cabinet Meeting: Personnel Appointments.
Statement by the President at a Cabinet Meeting: The Great Society.
Statement by the President in Response to Report of the Inter-American Committee on the Alliance for Progress.
Statement by the President Announcing an Expanded Program To Control Cotton Insect Pests.
Statement by the President on the Fourth Anniversary of the Peace Corps.
Presidential Policy Paper No. 3: Conservation of Natural Resources.
Presidential Policy Paper No. 2: The Nation's Problems of Health.
Presidential Policy Paper No. 1: Education.
Statement by the President Making Public a Report on the Balance of Payments Position.
Presidential Policy Paper No. 4: Farm Policy.
Presidential Statement No. 10 on Economic Issues: Achieving Full Employment.
Statement by the President on the Results of a Survey of Compliance With the Civil Rights Act.
Presidential Statement No. 8 on Economic Issues: Expanding World Trade.