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Statement by the President on the North Pacific Fisheries Negotiations.
Lyndon B. Johnson
Statement by the President: Labor Day.
Statement by the President Following Senate Passage of the Medicare Bill.
Statement by the President on the Death of Sergeant York.
Statement by the President on the Fifth Anniversary of Statehood for Hawaii.
Statement by the President on the Agreements for the Establishment of a Global Communications Satellite System.
Statement by the President Upon Issuing Memorandum on the Staffing of International Organizations
Statement by the President Upon Sending Copies of the Moon Photographs to Leaders of 110 Nations.
Statement by the President Following House Action on the Economic Opportunity Bill.
Statement by the President on the Passage of the Joint Resolution on Southeast Asia.
Statement by the President Upon Instructing the Navy To Take Retaliatory Action in the Gulf of Tonkin.
Statement by the President in Response to a Request for Mediation in the Shipping Industry Negotiations.
Statement by the President Upon the Successful Flight of Ranger VII.
Statement by the President on Receiving a Progress Report of the Council on Physical Fitness.
Statement by the President Relating to the Selection of a Vice Presidential Candidate.
Statement by the President on Announcing a White House Meeting of the Presidents of State Universities.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With the President of Malagasy.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With the Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Statement by the President on the Riots in New York City.
Statement by the President on the U.S. Economy.
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Water Resources Research Act.
Statement by the President on the Second Quarter Advance in Gross National Product and Income.
Statement by the President on Narcotic and Drug Abuse.
Statement by the President Upon Accepting Report of the Committee on Public Higher Education in the District of Columbia.
Statement by the President on the Death of Roy E. Davidson.
Statement by the President on New York City's Mobilization for Youth Program.
Statement by the President Upon Making Public the Names of the 1964 Recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With the President of Costa Rica.
Statement by the President Announcing Plans To Build a Destroyer Tender To Be Named After Samuel Gompers.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With the Prime Minister of Greece.
Statement by the President on the White House Seminars for College Students.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With the Prime Minister of Turkey.
Statement by the President on the 20th Anniversary of the G.I. Bill of Rights.
Statement by the President Following Senate Passage of the Civil Rights Bill.
Statement by the President Following House Action Extending the Excise Taxes.
Statement by the President on the Nation's Continued Economic Growth.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With Chancellor Erhard of Germany.
Statement by the President on the Need for Excellence in Athletic Achievements.
Statement by the President on the Geneva Disarmament Conference
Statement by the President on the Decline in Unemployment.