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Statement on the Death of Pope John Paul I
Jimmy Carter
Federal Employees Flexible and Compressed Work Schedules Act of 1978 Statement on Signing H.R. 7814 Into Law.
Department of Education Legislation Statement on Senate Action on the Bill.
Ethics in Government Legislation Statement on House of Representatives Action on the Legislation.
Employment Tax Credit Legislation Statement on Action by the Senate Finance Committee.
United States Export Policy Statement by the President.
International Security Assistance Act of 1978 Statement on Signing S. 3075 Into Law.
Supplementary Fiscal Assistance Legislation Statement on Senate Action on the Legislation.
Jewish High Holy Days Statement by the President.
Civil Service Retirement Credit for Japanese Americans Interned During World War II Statement on Signing H.R. 9471 Into Law.
United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control Statement by the President.
Airline Deregulation Legislation Statement on House of Representatives Action Approving the Legislation.
Statement by the President on United Nations Day, 1978
Natural Gas Legislation Statement on Senate Action on the Conference Committee Report.
District of Columbia Appropriation Act, 1979 Statement on Signing H.R. 13468 Into Law.
Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act Amendments of 1978 Statement on Signing S. 9 Into Law.
Days of Remembrance of Victims of the Holocaust Statement on Signing H.]. Res. 1014 Into Law.
Intelligence and Intelligence-Related Activities Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1979 Statement on Signing H.R. 12240 Into Law.
Camp David Meeting on the Middle East Documents Agreed to at Camp David.
Civil Service Reform Statement on the House of Representatives Action Endorsing the Proposal
Department of Defense Appropriation Authorization Bill Statement on the House of Representatives Action To Sustain the President's Veto of H.R. 10929.
Camp David Meeting on the Middle East Joint Statement Issued by President Carter, President Anwar al-Sadat of Egypt, and Prime Minister Menahem Begin of Israel.
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Legislation Statement Urging Passage of the Legislation by the House of Representatives.
Id al-Fitr Statement by the President.
Fishery Conservation and Management Bill Statement on Signing H.R. 10732 Into Law.
Statement on the Death of the Reverend Glendon McCulloch
Federal Civil Service Reform Statement on Senate Passage of the Legislation.
Congressional Representation for the District of Columbia Statement Following Senate Passage of the Proposed Constitutional Amendment.
Congressional Representation for the District of Columbia Statement on the Proposed Constitutional Amendment.
International Air Transportation Negotiations Statement of U.S. Policy for the Conduct of the Negotiations.
International Air Transportation Negotiations Statement by the President.
Statement on Signing H.J. Res. 963 Into Law - National P.O.W.-M.I.A. Recognition Day
American Indian Religious Freedom Statement on Signing S.J. Res. 102 Into Law.
Statement on the Death of Pope Paul VI
Agricultural Credit Act of 1978 Statement on Signing H.R. 11504 Into Law.
Arms Embargo Against Turkey Statement on House oil Representatives Action To End the Embargo.
Indian Education Programs Statement by the President.
26th Anniversary of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Statement by the President.
Public Lands Grazing Fee Moratorium Statement on Signing H.R. 9757 Into Law.
Ninth Anniversary of the First Moon Landing Statement by the President.
Federal Civil Service Reform Statement on the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee's Action on Legislation.
Federal Civil Service Reorganization Statement on the House Government Operations Committee's Action on Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1978.
Bonn Economic Summit Conference Joint Statement on International Terrorism.
Bonn Economic Summit Conference Declaration Issued at the Conclusion of the Conference.
Anatoly Shcharanskiy Statement on the Sentence Announced at the Soviet Dissident's Trial.
Fighting in Beirut, Lebanon Statement by the President.
Small Business Energy Loan Act Statement on Signing H.R. 11713 Into Law.
1978 Interim Reciprocal Fisheries Agreement With Canada Statement on Signing H.R. 12571 Into Law.
Federal-State Cooperative Forestry Programs Statement on Signing H.R. 11777, H.R. 11778, and H.R. 11779 Into Law.
Statement on Issuing Executive Order 12065 Concerning National Security Information
New York City Financing Legislation Statement on Senate Action Approving Guarantee Legislation.
Statement on the Death of Representative William M. Ketchum
Fourth of July Statement by the President.
Statement on the Death of Representative Clifford R. Allen
New York City Financing Legislation Statement on House Action Approving Guarantee Legislation.
Visit to Panama Joint Statement Issued Following Multilateral Discussions.
Visit of Prime Minister Desai of India Joint Communiqué.
New York City Financing Legislation Statement on Action by the Senate Banking Committee.
Vice President Mondale's Visit to Israel Statement by the President Announcing the Visit.