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Joint Statement following Discussions With Deputy Prime Minister Marshall of New Zealand.
John F. Kennedy
Statement by the President Upon Receiving Report of the Missile Sites Labor Commission.
Joint Statement following Discussions With President Chiari of Panama.
Joint Statement following Discussions With the President of the Republic of Cyprus.
Statement by the President Announcing a forthcoming White House Conference on Narcotics.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Revising Tariff Classifications.
Joint Statement following Discussions With the President of the Ivory Coast.
Statement by the President on the Arbitration of the Pan American Airways Labor Dispute.
Statement by the President on the Postponement of a Visit by the President of the Philippines.
Statement by the President Announcing the Dispatch of Additional U.S. Forces to Thailand.
Joint Statement following Discussions With Prime Minister Gerhardsen of Norway.
Joint Statement following Discussions With Chancellor Gorbach.
Statement by the President on the first Anniversary of the Area Redevelopment Act.
Statement by the President Upon Receiving a Report on Collective Bargaining and Industrial Peace.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Bill Providing for Educational Television.
Joint Statement following Discussions With Prime Minister Macmillan.
Joint Statement following Discussions With the Shah of Iran.
Statement by the President on Equal Opportunity in Housing.
Joint Statement following Discussions With the President of the European Economic Community.
Statement by the President following a Meeting With General Clay on the Berlin Situation.
Statement by the President on the Release of National Guard and Reserve Units.
Joint Statement With the United Kingdom on Nuclear Testing.
Joint Statement following Discussions With President Goulart of Brazil.
Statement by the President on the 50th Anniversary of the International Joint Commission, United States and Canada.
Statement by the President on the Need for Extending the Unemployment Compensation Program.
Statement by the President Upon Appointing Byron White to the Supreme Court.
Statement by the President on Nuclear Test Inspection.
Joint Statement following Discussions With President Olympio of Togo.
Statement by the President Upon Approving Amendments to the Welfare and Pension Plans Disclosure Act.
Statement by the President Upon Signing Order Relating to the Administration of the Ryukyu Islands.
Statement by the President on the French-Algerian Cease-fire Agreement.
Statement of the President on St. Patrick's Day
Joint Statement With the President of Mexico Concerning the Salinity of Waters Delivered Under the 1944 Treaty
Statement by the President Upon Signing the Manpower Development and Training Act.
Joint Statement following Discussions With President Ahidjo of the Cameroon.
Joint Statement following Discussions With Deputy Prime Minister McEwen of Australia.
Statement by the President Upon Receiving Report of the Presidential Railroad Commission.
Statement by the President Upon Meeting With Labor Minister Franco Montoro of Brazil.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With King Saud.
Joint Statement With the British Government Concerning Nuclear Tests.
Statement by the President Upon Approving Bill Relating to Distribution of General Motors Shares.
Statement by the President Concerning the Dominican Republic.
Statement by the President in Response to Report of the Committee on Traffic Safety.
Statement by the President at a Meeting of the Business Ethics Advisory Council.
Statement by the President on Receiving Report on Automation by the Advisory Committee on Labor-Management Policy.
Statement by the President Following a Meeting With General Clay on the Berlin Situation.
Statement by the President on the Birthday of Woodrow Wilson.
Joint Statement Following Discussions in Bermuda With Prime Minister Macmillan.
Statement by the President on the Situation in the Dominican Republic.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With the President of Venezuela.
Statement by the President on the Establishment of the President's Commission on the Status of Women.
Statement by the President on Employee-Management Relations in the Federal Service.
Statement by the President Upon Establishing Awards for Significant Contributions to the Export Expansion Program
Joint Statement Following Discussions With Chancellor Adenauer.
Statement by the President on the Death of Sam Rayburn.
Statement by the President Upon Establishing the President's Committee on Youth Employment.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With Chairman Chung Hee Park of Korea.
Statement by the President Concerning an Educational Consortium To Aid in Developing a Technical Institute in India
Statement by the President Upon Announcing the Appointment of a Panel To Review Employment Statistics.
Joint Statement Following Discussions With Prime Minister Nehru.