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Executive Order 11332—Inspection of Income, Excess-Profits, Estate, and Gift Tax Returns by the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives
Lyndon B. Johnson
Executive Order 11331—Establishment of the Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission
Executive Order 11330—Providing for the Coordination of Youth Opportunity by Programs
Executive Order 11329—Creating a Board of Inquiry to Report on a Labor Dispute Affecting the Shipbuilding and Repair Industries of the United States
Executive Order 11328—Modifying Executive Order No. 11198, Relating to the Interest Equalization Tax on Certain Commercial Bank Loans
Executive Order 11327—Assigning Authority to Order Certain Persons in the Ready Reserve to Active Duty
Executive Order 11326—Providing for the Regulation of Air Transportation in the Ryukyu Islands
Executive Order 11325—Prescribing a New Part of the Selective Service Regulations
Executive Order 11324—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate Disputes Between the Carriers Represented by the National Railway Labor Conference and Certain of Their Employees
Executive Order 11323—Placing an Additional Position in Level V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
Executive Order 11322—Relating to Trade and Other Transactions Involving Southern Rhodesia
Executive Order 11321—Creating a Board of Inquiry to Report on a Labor Dispute Affecting the Military Aircraft Engine Industry of the United States
Executive Order 11320—Delegating Authority to Prescribe Rules and Regulations Relating to Foreign Gifts and Decorations
Executive Order 11319—Amending Executive Order No. 10707, Establishing a Seal For the United States Coast Guard
Executive Order 11318—Designating the European Space Research Organization as a Public International Organization Entitled to Enjoy Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities
Executive Order 11317—Amending Paragraph 127c of the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1951
Executive Order 11316—Placing an Additional Position in Level V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
Executive Order 11315—Amending the Civil Service Rules to Authorize an Executive Assignment System for Positions in Grades 16, 17, and 18 of the General Schedule
Executive Order 11314—Creating a Board of Inquiry to Report on Certain Labor Disputes Affecting the Military Jet Engine Industry, Military Aircraft Industry, Military Armament Industry and Military Electronics Industry of the United States
Executive Order 11313—Providing that Certain Officers May Act as Postmaster General
Executive Order 11311—Carrying out Provisions of the Beirut Agreement of 1948 Relating to Audio-Visual Materials
Executive Order 11312—Designating the Secretary of State to Perform Functions Relating to Certain Objects of Cultural Significance Imported Into the United States For Temporary Display or Exhibition
Executive Order 11310—Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Attorney General
Executive Order 11309—Amending Executive Order No. 11215, Relating to the President's Commission on the Patent System
Executive Order 11308—Creating an Emergency Board to Investigate a Dispute Between the Pan American World Airways, Inc., and Certain of its Employees
Executive Order 11307—Coordination of Federal Programs Affecting Agricultural and Rural Area Development
Executive Order 11306—Establishing the President's Committee on Rural Poverty and the National Advisory Commission on Rural Poverty
Executive Order 11305—Authorizing the Secretary of Army and the Governor of the Canal Zone, Respectively, to Perform Certain Functions Relating to the Panama Canal and the Canal Zone
Executive Order 11304—Amending Executive Order No. 11175 Relating to the Exclusion For Original or New Canadian Issues Where Required for International Monetary Stability
Executive Order 11303—Modifying Executive Order No. 9721, as Amended by Executive Order No. 10103, Providing For the Transfer of Personnel to Certain International Organizations
Executive Order 11302—Prescribing Regulations Governing the Allowance of Travel Expenses of Claimants and Beneficiaries of the Veterans' Administration and Their Attendants
Executive Order 11301—Establishing the President's Committee on Libraries and the National Advisory Commission on Libraries
Executive Order 11300—Relating to the Implementation of the Convention Between the United States and Greece
Executive Order 11299—Placing an Additional Position in Level V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule
Executive Order 11298—Prescribing the Interest Rate For Deposit of Savings of Members of the Uniformed Services
Executive Order 11297—Coordination of Federal Urban Programs
Executive Order 11296—Evaluation of Flood Hazard in Locating Federally Owned or Financed Buildings, Roads, and Other Facilities, and in Disposing of Federal Lands and Properties
Executive Order 11295—Rules Governing the Granting, Issuing, and Verifying of United States Passports
Executive Order 11294—Delegating Certain Authority of the President to Establish Maximum Per Diem Rates for Government Civilian Personnel in Travel Status
Executive Order 11293—Placing an Additional Position in Level V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule