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Proclamation 4707—Carrying Out the Geneva (1979) Protocol to the General Agreement On Tariffs and Trade and for Other Purposes
Jimmy Carter
Proclamation 4706—Scouting Recognition Week, 1979
Proclamation 4705—Bill of Rights Day, Human Rights Day and Week, 1979
Proclamation 4704—National Child Abuse Prevention Month, 1979
Proclamation 4703—National Family Week, 1979
Proclamation 4702—Imports of Petroleum and Petroleum Products From Iran
Proclamation 4701—Census 1980
Proclamation 4700—Aid for Kampucheans
Proclamation 4699—Wright Brothers Day, 1979
Proclamation 4698—Will Rogers Day, 1979
Proclamation 4697—Agreement on Trade Relations Between the United States of America and the People's Republic of China
Proclamation 4696—National Farm-City Week, 1979
Proclamation 4695—National Port Week, 1979
Proclamation 4694—Staged Reduction of Rates of Duty on Certain Products to Carry Out a Trade Agreement With Argentina
Proclamation 4693—Thanksgiving Day, 1979
Proclamation 4692—American Education Week, 1979
Proclamation 4691—National School Lunch Week, 1979
Proclamation 4689—National Meals on Wheels Week, 1979
Proclamation 4690—National Day of Prayer, 1979
Proclamation 4688—Veterans Day, 1979
Proclamation 4687—National Forest Products Week, 1979
Proclamation 4686—National Diabetes Week, 1979
Proclamation 4684—United Nations Day, 1979
Proclamation 4685—National Employ the Handicapped Week, 1979
Proclamation 4682—National Hunting and Fishing Day, 1979
Proclamation 4683—Child Health Day, 1979
Proclamation 4681—International Energy Conservation Month, October 1979
Proclamation 4680—National Lupus Week, 1979
Proclamation 4679—National Grandparents Day
Proclamation 4678—White Cane Safety Day, 1979
Proclamation 4677—Leif Erikson Day, 1979
Proclamation 4676—Columbus Day, 1979
Proclamation 4674—Women's Equality Day, 1979
Proclamation 4675—Fifteenth Anniversary of the Signing of the Economic Opportunity Act
Proclamation 4673—General Pulaski's Memorial Day, 1979
Proclamation 4672—Fire Prevention Week, 1979
Proclamation 4671—Firefighters' Memorial Sunday, 1979
Proclamation 4670—Citizenship Day and Constitution Week, 1979
Proclamation 4669—United States Space Observance, 1979
Proclamation 4668—Modification of Temporary Quantitative Limitations on the Importation of Certain Articles of Stainless Steel or Alloy Tool Steel
Proclamation 4667—National Energy Supply Shortage
Proclamation 4666—Captive Nations Week, 1979
Proclamation 4665—Extension of Temporary Quantitative Limitation on the Importation Into the United States of Certain Articles of Stainless Steel or Alloy Tool Steel
Proclamation 4664—National P.O.W.-M.I.A. Recognition Day, 1979
Proclamation 4663—Amendment of Proclamation No. 4610 Regarding the Allocation of Quotas on Certain Sugars, Sirups, and Molasses
Proclamation 4662—National Hispanic Heritage Week, 1979
Proclamation 4661—National Museum Day, 1979
Proclamation 4660—Flag Day and National Flag Week, 1979
Proclamation 4659—Father's Day, 1979
Proclamation 4658—Older Americans Month, 1979
Proclamation 4657—Loyalty Day, 1979
Proclamation 4656—National Architectural Barrier Awareness Week, 1979
Proclamation 4655—Imports of Petroleum and Petroleum Products
Proclamation 4654—World Trade Week, 1979
Proclamation 4653—National Maritime Day, 1979
Proclamation 4652—Days of Remembrance of Victims of the Holocaust, April 28 and 29, 1979
Proclamation 4651—Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, May 28, 1979
Proclamation 4650—Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week, 1979
Proclamation 4649—Law Day, U.S.A., 1979
Proclamation 4648—30 th Anniversary of NATO