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A rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.
Executive Order—Amendment and Reservation of Land for Leech Lake Bands of Chippewa
Ulysses S. Grant
Executive Order—Defining Quinaielt Reserve Boundaries
Executive Order—Establishment of Winnebagoshish Reserve in Minnesota
Executive Order
Executive Order—Establishing Tule River Indian Reservation in California
Executive Order—Defining Northern Boundary Of Swinomish Reservation
Executive Order—Approving Interior Request to Expand the Puyallup Reservation
Executive Order—Restoring Land in Arizona to Public Domain
Executive Order—Establishing Blackfeet Reserve in Montana
Executive Order—Fort Stanton Indian Reserve
Executive Order—Withdrawal of Lands from Sale on Round Valley Indian Reservation in California
Executive Order—Establishment of Moapa River Reservation
Executive Order—Establishment of Yuma Indian Reservation in California
Executive Order—Adding Land to Makah Reserve
Executive Order—Establishment and Modification of Apache and White Mountain Indian Reservations in Arizona
Executive Order—Drawing Boundaries for Makah Indians
Executive Order—Approving Lands for Snake or Piute Indians
Executive Order—Evaluation and Indian Relocation of Bitter Root Valley Reserve
Executive Order—Approving Interior Request of Oregon Land
Executive Order—Approving Secretary Letter on Arickaree, Gross Ventre, and Mandan Indians
Executive Order—Establishing Mission Indian Reserves in California
Executive Order [on the death of Franklin Pierce]