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Smithsonian Institution Appointment of Two Members of the National Armed Forces Museum Advisory Board.
Jimmy Carter
Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations Appointment of Jiro Murase as a Member and Reappointment of 20 Members.
National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere Appointment of Paul Bock as a Member.
President's Commission on White House Fellowships Appointment of Two Members.
National Institute of Education Appointment of Gladys Chang Hardy as Deputy Director.
White House Fellows Appointment of 17 Fellows for the 1980-81 Program.
National Cancer Advisory Board Appointment of Six Members.
Federal National Mortgage Association Appointment of Five Members of the Board of Directors.
President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research Appointment of Frances Keesler Graham as a Member.
Nuclear Safety Oversight Committee Appointment of the Membership.
National Advisory Council on Indian Education Appointment of Five Members.
National Advisory Council on Adult Education Appointment of Five Members.
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe Appointment of Chairman and Cochairman of the U.S. Delegation to the Review Meeting of the Conference.
United States Holocaust Memorial Council Appointment of the Membership.
President's Advisory Committee for Women Appointment of Three Members.
United States Naval Academy Appointment of Two Members of the Board of Visitors.
United States Air Force Academy Appointment of Two Members of the Board of Visitors.
Counselor to the President on Aging Appointment of Harold L. Sheppard.
Emergency Board To Investigate a Railway Labor Dispute Appointment of the Membership.
Special Adviser to the President Appointment of Alfred H. Moses.