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National Advisory Council on Extension and Continuing Education Appointment of Four Members.
Jimmy Carter
United Nations Trusteeship Council Appointment of Stoney Cooks as U.S. Representative to the 45th Session.
Appointments Secretary to the President Appointment of Phillip J. Wise, Jr.
Deputy Appointments Secretary to the President Appointment of Frances M. Voorde.
President's Export Council Appointment of Emile R. Bussiere and Mark Hasten as Members.
Advisory Committee on Federal Pay Reappointment of Jerome M. Rosow as Chairman.
New England River Basins Commission Appointment of John R. Ehrenfeld as Chairman.
National Commission on the International Year of the Child, 1979 Appointment of Jean C. Young as Chairman.
National Commission on Air Quality Appointment of Seven Members.
Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations Appointment of Nine Members.