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President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped Appointment of Charles H. Pillard as Vice Chairman.
Jimmy Carter
International North Pacific Fisheries Commission Appointment of Dennis A. Grotting as Commissioner of the United States Section.
National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere Appointment of 18 Members.
South Pacific Commission Appointment of Vernon A. Mund as an Alternate U.S. Representative.
Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin Appointment of Joseph D. Gebhardt as a Member.
United Nations Appointment of Mathea Falco as U.S. Representative on the Commission on Narcotic Drugs of the Economic and Social Council.
White House Conference on Balanced National Growth and Economic Development Appointment of 15 Members to the Conference's Advisory Committee.
Executive Office of the President Appointment of Richard Harden as Director of the Office of Administration.
Committee for the Preservation of the White House Appointment of 16 Members to the Committee.
National Commission on Neighborhoods Appointment of 15 Members to the Commission.