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Delaware River Basin Commission Appointment of Sherman W. Tribbitt as Alternate Federal Member.
Jimmy Carter
National Highway Safety Advisory Committee Appointment of 12 Members to the Committee.
National Commission on the Observance of International Women's Year Appointment of Rita Elway as a Member.
Strategy Council Appointment of Seven Members and Designation of Executive Director.
Susquehanna River Basin Commission Appointment of Patrick 1. Delaney as Alternate Federal Member.
Upper Mississippi River Basin Commission Appointment of Neil S. Haugerud as Chairman.
National Institute of Education Appointment of P. Michael Timpane as Deputy Director.
Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization Appointment of John E. Downs as U.S. Representative.
Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission Appointment of Gerald V. Howard and Wymberley DeR. Coerr as Commissioners.
Maine Indian Land Claims Dispute Appointment of Three-Member Working Group.