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Statement Announcing Intention To Nominate Elliot L. Richardson To Be Ambassador to Great Britain
Gerald R. Ford
Remarks on Intention To Nominate Nelson A. Rockefeller To Be Vice President of the United States
Remarks Announcing Intention To Nominate William B. Saxbe To Be Attorney General
Richard Nixon
Remarks Announcing Intention To Nominate Gerald R. Ford To Be Vice President
Statement Announcing Resignation of the Attorney General and Members of the White House Staff, and Intention To Nominate Elliot L. Richardson To Be Attorney General
Remarks on Intention To Nominate Marina von Neumann Whitman To Be a Member of the Council of Economic Advisers
Statement on Nominating Peter G. Peterson To Be Secretary of Commerce
Remarks Announcing the Resignation of Clifford M. Hardin and Intention To Nominate Earl L. Butz as Secretary of Agriculture
Address to the Nation Announcing Intention To Nominate Lewis F. Powell, Jr., and William H. Rehnquist To Be Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States
Statement Announcing Nomination of Romana A. Banuelos as Treasurer of the United States