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United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Nomination of Paul C. Warnke To Be Director.
Jimmy Carter
Federal Energy Administration Nomination of John O'Leary to be Administrator.
Ambassador at Large and Special Representative of the President for the Law of the Sea Conference Nomination of Elliot L. Richardson, With a Statement by the President.
Department of State Nomination of 10 Persons.
Remarks Announcing Intention To Nominate Edward Aguirre as Commissioner of Education
Gerald R. Ford
Remarks Congratulating William W. Scranton on His Nomination To Be Ambassador to the United Nations
Remarks Announcing Intention To Nominate W. J. Usery, Jr., To Be Secretary of Labor
Remarks Announcing Intention To Nominate Anne L. Armstrong To Be United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom
Remarks Announcing Intention To Nominate John Paul Stevens To Be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court
Statement Announcing Intention To Nominate Elliot L. Richardson To Be Ambassador to Great Britain
Remarks on Intention To Nominate Nelson A. Rockefeller To Be Vice President of the United States
Remarks Announcing Intention To Nominate William B. Saxbe To Be Attorney General
Richard Nixon
Remarks Announcing Intention To Nominate Gerald R. Ford To Be Vice President
Statement Announcing Resignation of the Attorney General and Members of the White House Staff, and Intention To Nominate Elliot L. Richardson To Be Attorney General
Remarks on Intention To Nominate Marina von Neumann Whitman To Be a Member of the Council of Economic Advisers
Statement on Nominating Peter G. Peterson To Be Secretary of Commerce
Remarks Announcing the Resignation of Clifford M. Hardin and Intention To Nominate Earl L. Butz as Secretary of Agriculture
Address to the Nation Announcing Intention To Nominate Lewis F. Powell, Jr., and William H. Rehnquist To Be Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States
Statement Announcing Nomination of Romana A. Banuelos as Treasurer of the United States
Remarks on Plans To Nominate Secretary Kennedy as Ambassador-at-Large and Governor Connally as Secretary of the Treasury
Remarks on the Selection of Congressman Bush as United States Representative to the United Nations
Remarks to Reporters About Nominations to the Supreme Court
Remarks Announcing Nominees to the Council on Environmental Quality
Remarks at an Informal Meeting With Members of the White House Press Corps on Judge Haynsworth's Nomination to the Supreme Court
Statement Announcing the Nomination of Dr. Arthur F. Burns as a Member of the Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System
Remarks Introducing Donald E. Johnson, Nominee for Administrator of Veterans Affairs
Conversation With Newsmen on the Nomination of the Chief Justice of the United States
Remarks Announcing the Nomination of Judge Warren Earl Burger To Be Chief Justice of the United States
Remarks Announcing the Nomination of Representative Donald Rumsfeld as Director, Office of Economic Opportunity
Statement Announcing the Nomination of John G. Veneman as Under Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare
Statement Announcing the Nomination of Dr. James E. Allen, Jr., as Assistant Secretary for Education and Commissioner of Education
Statement About the Nomination of Gerard C. Smith as Director, United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
Remarks Upon Announcing Resignation of George W. Ball and Intention To Nominate J. Russell Wiggins as U.S. Representative to the United Nations
Lyndon B. Johnson
Statement by the President on His Intention To Nominate Walter E. Washington and Thomas W. Fletcher as Commissioner of the District of Columbia and Assistant to the Commissioner
Remarks to the Press Announcing the Nomination of Warren Christopher as Deputy Attorney General
Remarks to the Press Announcing the Nomination of Thurgood Marshall as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court
The President's Remarks to the Press Upon Announcing His Intention To Nominate Ramsey Clark as Attorney General
Statement by the President on Announcing His Intention To Renominate Lawrence J. O'Connor, Jr., to the Federal Power Commission
Remarks on Announcing Intention To Nominate Dr. William H. Stewart as Surgeon General, Public Health Service
Remarks on Announcing the Nominations of Anthony J. Celebrezze as Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit, and of John W. Gardner as Secretary, HEW
Remarks Upon Announcing the Nomination of Arthur J. Goldberg as U.S. Representative to the United Nations
Remarks to the Press on Announcing the Nomination of James J. Wadsworth, Jr., to the Federal Communications Commission
Remarks to the Press Upon Announcing the Nomination of Henry H. Fowler as Secretary of the Treasury
Letter to Admiral Carney Regarding His Nomination as Chief of Naval Operations
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Letter to General Ridgway, Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, Regarding His Nomination as Chief of Staff of the Army
Letter to General Gruenther Regarding His Nomination as Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
Statement by the President Upon Nominating U.S. Representatives to the Fifth Session of the U.N. General Assembly
Harry S Truman
Statement by the President Upon Nominating Walter J. Donnelly as Minister and U.S. High Commissioner for Austria
Letter to Secretary Harriman Following His Nomination as U.S. Special Representative in Europe
Statement by the President Upon Nominating Edwin G. Nourse as a Member of the Council of Economic Advisers
Letter to Judge James H. Wilkerson Accepting His Request Not To Resubmit His Nomination to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals
Herbert Hoover
Statement on the Nomination of Benedict Crowell as Brigadier General of the Army Reserve Corps
Statement About Nominating Major General Herbert B. Crosby as a Commissioner of the District of Columbia
Letter to Bernard M. Baruch Requesting Acceptance of Nomination as Chair of the War Industries Board
Woodrow Wilson
Message to the Senate Transmitting the Nomination of Elbridge Gerry to be Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the French Republic
John Adams