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Remarks on Signing Into Law the Northeast Corridor Appropriations Bill
Jimmy Carter
Federal Trade Commission Improvements Act of 1980 Statement on Signing H.R. 2313 Into Law.
Food Stamp Act Amendments of 1980 Statement on Signing S. 1309 Into Law.
Claims of the Cow Creek Band of the Umpqua Indian Tribe Statement on Signing S.668 Into Law.
Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act Statement on Signing H.R. 10 Into Law.
Acts Approved by the President
Remarks on Signing Into Law Conveyance of the Michigan Army Missile Plant
District of Columbia Housing Revenue Bonds Statement on Signing H.R. 3824 Into Law.
Farmer-Owned Grain Reserve Statement on Signing S. 2427 Into Law.
Extension of the Reorganization Act of 1977 Statement on Signing H.R. 6585 Into Law.
General Accounting Office Act of 1980 Statement on Signing H.R. 24 Into Law.
Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah Restoration Act Statement on Signing H.R. 4996 Into Law.
Remarks on Signing Into Law the Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax Act of 1980