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Letter to the Chairman, Federal Trade Commission, Requesting Him To Make an Economic Study.
Harry S Truman
Letter to the Secretary of Commerce Directing Him To Head a Mission To Survey European Industrial Progress.
Letter to the Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board, Concerning Air Service Between the United States and Mexico.
Letter to Henry H. Fowler Asking Him To Serve as Director, Office of Defense Mobilization
Letter to Capt. Charles G. Ewing on the Repatriation of Prisoners of War in Korea.
Letter to Junius B. Wood on the Minerva Clock and Other Antique White House furnishings.
Letter to the Secretary of Commerce on the Tax Benefits of the Shipping Industry.
Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury on the Tax Benefits of the Shipping Industry.
Letter to the Chairman, Civil Service Commission, on the Administration of the Federal Employee Security Programs.
Letter to Committee Chairmen on the Need for Continuing Aid to Denmark.
Letter to Congressional Leaders Transmitting the Midyear Economic Report
Letter to Members of the Public Advisory Board for Mutual Security Requesting a Study of foreign Trade Policies.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House on Appropriations for Atomic Energy.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Transmitting Report of the President's Materials Policy Commission.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Regarding the St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project.
Letter to the Director, Selective Service System, on Deferment of farm Workers.
Letter to the Director, Office of Defense Mobilization, Approving a Manpower Policy for Agricultural Labor.
Letter to Committee Chairmen on the Need for Continuing Aid to Italy.
Letter in Response to Report of the President's Materials Policy Commission.
Letter to Senator Russell on the Military Construction Bill.
Letter to the Attorney General on the Sale of the SS United States.
Letter to Mrs. Elizabeth Cochrane on the Need for Increasing Social Security Benefits.
Letter to Senator Russell on the Prison Camps on Koje Island.
Letter to the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking and Currency on the Steel Strike.
Letter to the Chairman, Air Coordinating Committee, Transmitting Report of the Airport Commission.
Letter to the President of the Senate on Proposed Amendments to the Defense Production Act.
Letter to Senator Maybank on the Atomic Energy Program.
Letter to the Secretary of the Army Directing Him To Terminate Control of the Railroads.
Letter to Committee Chairmen Urging Action on Bills To Encourage Voting by Servicemen.
Letter to Henry H. Fowler on His Assumption of the Post of Administrator of the Defense Production Administration.
Telegrams to Industry Leaders and to the Union President Calling a Meeting on the Steel Strike.
Letter to C. S. Jones in Response to Questions on the Steel Situation.
Letter to Senator Maybank on Vacation Leave Privileges of Federal Employees.
Letter to Senator McKdlar on the Need for Restoring Funds for Flood Control.
Letter to Committee Chairmen on the Continuation of Aid to the Netherlands.
Letter to the President of the Senate Concerning Government Operation of the Nation's Steel Mills.
Letter to Committee Chairmen on the St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project.
Letter to the Secretary of Defense on Voting by Servicemen.
Letter to the Secretary of Commerce on Highway Safety.
Letter to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House Urging Prompt Action on the Emergency Powers Continuation Act.