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Joint Statement by President Biden and President Emmanuel Macron of France—French-American Roadmap
Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Remarks at a State Dinner Hosted by President Emmanuel Macron of France in Paris, France
Letter to Congressional Leaders on the Global Deployment of United States Combat-Equipped Armed Forces
Memorandum on Delegation of Authority Under Section 506(a)(1) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961
Proclamation 10775—Flag Day and National Flag Week, 2024
Statement on the Bureau of Labor Statistics Report on the Employment Situation in May
Remarks Prior to a Meeting With President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine in Paris, France
Remarks at Pointe du Hoc in Cricqueville-en-Bessin, France
Joint Statement by the Leaders of the United States, Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Thailand, and the United Kingdom on the Situation in Gaza, Palestinian Territories
Remarks on the 80th Anniversary of D-Day in Colleville-sur-Mer, France
Proclamation 10774—National Day of Remembrance of the 80th Anniversary of D-Day
Statement on the Senate Vote on Legislation To Protect Access to Contraception
Remarks on Border Security and an Exchange With Reporters
Proclamation 10773—Securing the Border
Remarks at the Congressional Picnic
Remarks at a Campaign Event in Greenwich, Connecticut
Joint Statement by Group of Seven (G-7) Nations Leaders on the Cease-Fire Negotiations for the Conflict in Gaza, Palestinian Territories
Statement on the Election of Claudia Sheinbaum as President of Mexico
Statement on the Death of Marian Robinson
Proclamation 10768—National Caribbean American Heritage Month, 2024