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Toasts of the President and President de Gaulle at a Dinner at the American Ambassador's Residence
Richard Nixon
Remarks on Arrival at the Airport in Paris
Toasts of the President and President de Gaulle at a Dinner at the Elysee Palace in Paris
Remarks on Departure From Rome
Remarks at the Siemens Factory, West Berlin.
Remarks on Arrival at the Airport in Rome
Remarks at the Signing of the Golden Book at the Charlottenburg Palace, West Berlin.
Remarks on Arrival at Tempelhof Airport in West Berlin
Toasts of the President and President Saragat of Italy
Remarks on Departure From West Berlin
Remarks on Arrival at the Airport in Cologne
Remarks in Bonn Before the German Bundestag.
Message to the President of Israel on the Death of Prime Minister Levi Eshkol.
Remarks on Departure From Britain
Remarks to the Staff at the American Embassy in London
Special Message to the Congress on Reform of the Postal Service.
Remarks on Departure From Belgium
Remarks to the North Atlantic Council in Brussels
Toasts of the President and King Baudouin of Belgium at the Royal Palace in Brussels
Letter to the President of the University of Notre Dame on Student Unrest.
Special Message to the Congress Proposing Establishment of a New Public Debt Limit
Remarks at the Airport on Arrival in London
Remarks at Andrews Air Force Base on Departing for Europe.
Remarks on Arrival in Brussels
Remarks to Reporters on the Forthcoming European Trip
Proclamation 3895—Save Your Vision Week, 1969
Memorandum on the Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Traffic in the District of Columbia
Statement on the Appointment of a Special Coordinator on Relief to Civilian Victims of the Nigerian Civil War.
Remarks Announcing the Appointment of Donald M. Kendall as Chairman of the National Alliance of Businessmen
Statement Approving Wider Use of Federal Laboratory Equipment by University Scientists
Statement About the Anniversary of Washington's Birthday
Special Message to the Congress on Electoral Reform.
Memorandum to the Secretary of the Interior Reassuming Responsibility for the Nation's Oil Import Policies
Proclamation 3894—Red Cross Month, 1969
Special Message to the Congress on the Nation's Antipoverty Programs.
Message to the Congress Transmitting Report Relating to the Head Start Program.
Remarks to Employees at the Department of the Interior.
Letter Accepting Resignation of Ray C. Bliss as Chairman of the Republican National Committee.
Message to the Congress Transmitting Annual Report of the National Science Board.
Remarks on Presenting Awards of the American Heart Association