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Executive Order 6709—Making Certain Funds Available to the Federal Emergency Relief Administration for the Fiscal Year 1934
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Letter to the National Editorial Association.
Excerpts from the Press Conference
Executive Order 6708—Authorizing and Directing John Dickinson, Assistant Secretary of Commerce, to Perform the Duties of the Director of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, in Case of Absence, Resignation, etc., of the Director of Said Bureau
Remarks on Reception of Monies Raised in Behalf of Crippled Children.
Letter to the American Judicature Society.
Executive Order 6707—Withdrawal of Public Lands in Connection with Fort Peck Dam, Federal Project No. 30, Federal Emergency Public Works Administration
Statement on Signing Sugar Industry Legislation.
Veto of House Bill 1870.
Veto of House Bill 507.
Executive Order 6706—Withdrawal of Public Land for Lookout Station, California
Proclamation 2085—Decreasing Rates of Duty on Sugar
Letter on the Modernization of the Criminal Law.
Executive Order 6704—Withdrawal of Public Land for Lookout Station, Washington
Executive Order 6705—Approval of Code of Fair Competition for the Country Grain Elevator Industry of the United States
Executive Order 6701—Authorization to Appoint Mrs. Elizabeth W. Herde
Executive Order 6702—Exemption of Herman M. Underwood from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 6703—Exemption of Theodore A. Hostetler from Compulsory Retirement for Age
Executive Order 6700—Amendment of Executive Order No. 6225, of July 27, 1933, Establishing the Central Statistical Board
Message to Congress Requesting Authority to Return a Mace to Canada.
Proclamation 2084—National Maritime Day
Proclamation 2083—Mother's Day
Executive Order 6699—Changes in Boundaries of Internal Revenue Collection Districts, Illinois
Statement on the Death of Secretary of the Treasury William H. Woodin.
Address at a Memorial to William Jennings Bryan.
Executive Order 6697—Establishing Railroad Valley Migratory Bird Refuge, Nevada
Executive Order 6698—Withdrawal of Public Land for Lookout Station, California
Executive Order 6695—Veterans' Regulation No. 9(c)
Proclamation 2082—Extending for One Year the Effective Period of Title I of the Emergency Railroad Transportation Act, 1933
Executive Order 6696—Withdrawal of Public Lands for Resurvey, California
Proclamation 2081—Changing Duty on Canned Clams
Executive Order 6694—Abolishment of the Office of the Alien Property Custodian and Transfer of Its Functions to the Department of Justice
Executive Order 6694-A—Code of Fair Competition for the Retail Rubber Tire and Battery Trade
Veto of the Postal Substitutes' Bill.
Letter on Brotherhood Day.
Statement on the Wheeler-Howard Bill
Executive Order 6693—Creation of the Committee on National Land Problems
Executive Order 6692—Establishing a More Appropriate Seal for the Department of Justice
Statement on the Settlement of the Railroad Wage Dispute
Executive Order 6690—Deferring Effective Date of Executive Order No. 6614, of February 26, 1934